Are you kidding me?

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Beep Beep Be-
And we're back to working! How fun... and my phone is blowing up again.

"What do you want dalilah!?"
"Your boyfriends sick"
"Dude, he can take care of himself I'm sure and he's not my boyfriend!"
"Yet, and gabes the one who's sick, Sam dosent know how to care of people"

I threw my phone on my bed and groaned. I'm guessing the daycare was closed for the day. Luckily I felt better today so I can take sure of this dumbass. I stood up and walked over to my closet. I grabbed pj pants and my favorite comfy t-shirt. Dalilah had texted me Sam and gabes address, so as soon as I was ready I could go over to help.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Y/n!! Thanks for comeing over to help."
"I honestly thought you lived at the pizza plex-"
"No we have a house surprisingly"

Sam tells me I only stayed in that balconey room that one night because I was so injured. He said it was originally used just for break. After explaining he took me over to gabes room witch was decorated pretty dark. But there were colorful paintings, assumably painted my Sam.

"Hello my dear"
I got my first glimpse of gabe for the day and holy moly he looks so adorable! His hair is usually in a bun or pony tail but his hair was down and messy. His hair being down makes him so pretty! At the same time him looking tired makes him look more pretty but at the same time, a little hot. (He looks so baby girl :0)

"Hello gabe, can't take care of youreself?"
Gabe was sitting up in bed reading a book, when he saw me though he closed it with the book mark and put it on the snight stand.

"I could, but you got me sick and Sam refuses for me to do anything."
"How did I get you sick? I barely touched you yesterday-'
"I don't know-"
"Well- how are you feeling? Do you just have a fever? Or is it worse?"
"Eh, id say its pretty bad"
"Well. me and sam can make some soup for you?"
Gabe smiled at me. I took that as a go for it, that'll help, kind of response. So I led Sam out to their kitchen and we started to make soup. It was my mother's famous potato soup. (real soup btw, it's fire)

After a bit of cooking and struggling if you will. Me and Sam got the soup done. I served it to gabe with some bread.

"Thanks y/n"
"Thank dalilah, she yelled at me this morning saying quote, 'your boyfriends sick'"
Gabe stared at me silently.

"Its dalilahs words, not mine"
"I could make that statement true~"
while Sam was shouting I stared in disbelief. He was a little too flirty- but I didn't mind, not gonna lie. 👀

"Look at y/n!! You meanie!! >:["
"Calm down Sam, I'm fine"
"See, she's alright with me being flirty!"
"Hey I didn't say that!"
"You technically did-"
"Gabe stop being a meanie!"
"I'm not!"
"Stop fighting, you guys sound like toddlers"
"Cause Sam is!"
"Say sorry, both of you"
"No! Gabe is being mean!"
"Sam is being childish!"
I end up loosing all my dignity and do something younger me would say is 'mean as heck'

"Sam, I advise you look away and cover your ears for a second."
"Ok... don't do anything mean-"
Sam turned around and I grabbed gabes hair, leaning down to his hight in the bed.

"Gabe I would appreciate if you stopped this attitude."
"Don't tell me what to d-"
"Don't make me do anything Sam wouldn't like."
I pulled at his hair ever so slightly harder. I was watching his face for any actual pain. I didn't wanna actually hurt him.

"L-like what?-"
"Stuttering huh? You're intimidated by me aren't you?"
"Shut up y/n..."
"Then stop this attitude, Like a good boy!"
He went silent and looked away with the most flustered face I've ever seen.
I turned to Sam. I wasn't gonna be mean to him. He's too innocent. I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Is gabe ok-?"
"Yea don't worry! I just wanted to say something!"
I walked Sam out of the room to talk to him, I didnt want gabe to know I wasn't being harsh on Sam like I did, him.

"I basically talked to gabe about his attitude, and I need you to be kinder to help. Can you do that for me sam?"
"Of course y/n!"
I smiled happily. I lead Sam back in to the room and gabe looked around as Sam.

"You're being kinder to Sam arnt you?"
"No I could never!"
"Sam could you leave us be for a second?..."
Oh shit...

"Yea no problem brother!"
Gabe got out of bed slowly. Not breaking eye contact with me.

"Uh- we can talk about this!"
"Oh yes we can, y/n..."
He walked over to me and pined me to the wall.

"We can talk about this gabe!"
"Go on."
"Uhm... fuck, I don't know!"
I looked down embarrassed. Buttt gabe didn't like that. He moved my face to look at him.

"You're being rather rude to me, my darling."
"I'm sorry gabe! I-I'll stop! I promise!"
"Good girl~"
Ive lost the flirting war... I sunk to the ground in dispare and Sam was aloud back into the room.

"So you guys are being mean to each other!!"
"No, don't worry Sam! Shes fine"
I gave a thumbs up and remained silent.

"She looks like she just had a war flashback!"
"She has being mean, let's put it that way"
I slowly stood up as Sam and gabe were talking.

"Gabe. Just get back into bed and Finnish eating... im tired of you and it's pretty much night"
"Ugghhhh... fine bossy pants!"
"Don't make my come over there!"
"You're not my mom!"
"I know that, so I'll be your dad instead!"
I grabbed my things, satisfied with my come back and left. Just like their dad.

Gabe was so baby girl >:]

Have good day/night lovey's

Words 1039

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