Why so mean? :[

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I sit up abruptly panting. I woke up from a nightmare. It was about moon if he acted like the games and the fanfics that depict him as violent.
Its ok y/n... it was just a dream...

After a while of sitting on my bed calming down, I knew I had to get up and get ready. I picked out my clothes and took a shower to help with calming down and waking up.

I got out and got dressed for the day. I hope it goes better than yesterday and maybe I can even try to talk to moon again. But maybe not. Who knows? We'll just have to see where the day takes me. I finished up and when out to my car.

I pulled my car into the lot and heading into the building. I opened the front doors to the daycare and sun ran right up to me like usual.

"Oh- are you ok?"
He backs up to look at me.

"Yea, I just didn't have a good start to the day"
"Oh dear! I hope the the day gets better from now on"
"Thanks sunny"
He smiles and runs off to the tables to continue getting ready. I walking over to help him. He insists that he dosent need help and that I should stand at the slide to greet the kids when they come in. I did as he said and as soon as I stood still a few kids tumbled down the slide into the ball pit. I helped them all up and out so they could sprint to sunny and dog pile him. Witch is actually what they did- not suprizingly though :p I walked over to sun seeing him struggle to get out of the pile. All the kids roll off of sun once he manages to sit up.

"Not a fan of dog piles?"
">:[" (he made that face:D)
"Ok jeez-"
I hold out my hand and he take it. We both help the kids up once I got to the last kid I helped him up and he yelps in pain.

"Woah are you ok?"
He crossed him arms and blew a razzberry at me >:p

"Yes my little star?"
"My ankle hurts"
"Well y/n here could've helped"
The boy looks at me again and repeats the razzberry.

"Hey that's not very nice!!"
"I don't like her!"
"What's your name"
"You are in time out josh!!"
He points to the time out corner sternly and the kid walks over ashamed.

"Thanks sun-"
"No problem, I'll be telling his parents!"
"Well we better go look after the other kids"
Sun agrees and we walk over to join all the kids. Sun manages to gather all the kids into a circle so we could find out what to play or do. Everyone agrees eventually to play hide and seek somehow. One of the little girls volunteered to be the seeker so that sun could be a hider this time. The girl stood in the middle of the room and sun took my hand saying we should hide together. We climbed to the top of one of the play structures. We were giggling and whispering jokes and other random things that came to mind. Sun heard the girl who was seeking and put him hand over my mouth and scooted closer to me. He looked through the bars for the girl to pass, meanwhile I glared at him. My face was red, even though he was just trying to get me quiet. The girl passes and sun looks at me.

He looks down thinking then quickly looks back up at me with a red face and apologizes many times.

"Don't worry it's fine sun you were just trying to keep us from getting found"
"Ok.. im sorry again!"
"Chill, it's ok. don't worry sunny"
(I had the strong urge to put "don't worry love";])
We layed there for a bit sharing jokes untill the girl yells out.

"Sunny?? Y/n?? You can come out none of us can find you!!"
We look over the edge and wait for them to see Us. As soon as they all see us they scream and shout excitedly. We giggled in unison and climbed down. All the kids surrounded us and shouted about how cool that was. I checked the time as all the kids continued to scream. It was almost time for naptime. Sun noticed me looking and realized the time. He announced it was almost time for naptime and that everyone should try to calm down a little to help moony out a little. The kids walked away and sat on the floor talking in their little groups. Me and sun sat at the front desk talking till break. The light turn off and we quickly run out of the daycare.

"So what should we do for today after some food?"
"Alright then- let's go get some food first.
He nodded smileing and we walked over to get pizza.

Time skip

I check the time on my phone.

"We should start racing or breaks gonna end and we won't be able to play"
"Roxy raceway here we come then!!"
He laughs and takes my hand to go to the race way. Sun obviously gets into the cart themed after him. I however, get into the cart themed after moon.

We get onto the tracks and start to race. We raced for a few minutes and soon had to go back to the day care to wake the kids and get them to their parents. Me and sun park our carts and head back to the daycare. After a little while of talking and walking we made it to the daycare. And just on time too, As soon As we got to the front door the lights turned on. I saw a glimpse of moon near the light switch. Before he sprints to the stairs up to the balcony.

I ignored it and walked over to the kids with sun to get them ready to leave. Sun got them up, and I helped them find all the stuff they may have brought and left around the room. All the parents stood outside the front door and all the kids ran towards their parents.

After they all left I shut the front door as I gathered my stuff, and sun cleaned up. While sun wasn't looking moon came down from the balcony and tapped my shoulder from behind scaring me.

"What do you want?"
"Wow no need to be rude"
"Sorry, you scared me. Are you gonna say sorry for making me have a panic attack?"
"No, I still think you look mid."
"Fuck yo-"
Before I could Finnish moon punches me in the nose. It starts to bleed heavily.

"No one. Not even you. Will ever say somthing like that to me."
He looks down at me angrly, since I was slightly bent down to not get blood on my clothes.

He scoffs and walks off to the balcony. Before sun could turn to look at me and see what the commotion was, I was gone. Out of the building in my car. I drove to my house quickly so I could just sleep. Witch I did as soon as I made it home.

Wowza, I sorry it took that long to get this chapter out. I ran out of ALL motivation because of school.
Have a good day/night :]

1259 words

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