Boarding School

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Jihoon's POV:

As if Wonwoo was already updated on where we had to arrive, he took us to a boarding school. The school, in some distance, looked old and its foundation dates back to a hundred years. There were giant iron gates and goblin motifs on both sides of the pillar that lay at both ends of the gates. Wonwoo slowed down the car and continued on the road that led to the gates and antique building. It was already night and the moonlight was not that helpful. Thankfully, the headlights of the car were working.

After what happened earlier, I chose to sit in the passenger's seat and let Seungchoel accompany Jeonghan in the backseat. That was the first time I had seen Jeonghan so weak. He seemed like he went in a shock. He is the most confident and carefree person I have ever met because he knows how to handle things. But in the back of my mind, my thoughts contradicted. Usually, the most confident ones are always faking it. 

Seungchoel cried so much when Jeonghan fainted. When he asked Wonwoo to stop the car, he must have known that would happen. Has it happened before?

 How does he know Jeonghan so well? I am his brother. Not him. 

I turned back to look at them. They both were sleeping peacefully. Jeonghan was still in the position we laid him. His head was resting on Seungchoel's lap. Choel's arms held his body so he wouldn't fall while he slept in that half-sitting-half-leaning position. It looked uncomfortable. He will have pain in his spine after that. 

I turned to look at the front again. The car entered the iron gates and Wonwoo parked on the side. He got out of the car and called someone on his phone. I can't help but glance at the duo in the back. Their bond was easily visible through the efforts he was putting in for my brother. 

Would someone do the same for me if I ever get caught in a situation? Will anyone care?

I can't help but feel insecure and vulnerable. Jeonghan has someone to lean on who equally leans back on him. They support each other and work like a pair. Can I not have someone who will do the same for me? 

"Feeling jealous?" I looked at Wonwoo who entered the car and sat in the seat. "You're clutching the seat covers quite hard. They'll tear at this rate." He further explained. I didn't even realize my actions until now. I hastily put my hands off his car seat and looked in the front, silently praying he wouldn't bug me with the question.

A few minutes passed in silence and I thought that I was off the hook until he spoke again. "You didn't answer." He said and turned towards me. "Bottling up your feelings won't do you good. Choel understands that. That is why he asked me to stop and let him attend to Han first." Wonwoo kept talking and I didn't interfere. "But I guess that is not what you wanted to know." Now I turned to look at him.

"So, are you jealous? Of Han?" Wonwoo asked me again and I tried to act nonchalant. "No. Why would I be jealous of my brother?" 

"Because he has Choel who takes care of him." As if he had read my mind, he spoke confidently. When I didn't deny it, he spoke again.

"You may be his brother by blood but you don't know anything about Jeonghan."The way he spoke, pierced my heart. It felt like a stab. 

Does the truth need to be this bitter?

"You are not even aware of how much he has done for you. When he was going through a difficult time, he always made sure that you were okay. He was overworking and over-stressing himself in those times. It wasn't good for him. Someone had to take care of him too. And you know who was that 'someone'." As if on cue, we both looked back at the sleeping pair.

What he said was true. Even being a brother by blood, I have never stood by him. I have been de-attached with everyone for as long as I can remember. But why wouldn't they understand that I was not living in a palace and not getting a prince treatment? I was barely surviving on my own. It was hard for me too.

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