Happy birthday Amy

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Day before Amy's birthday ,
It's 12:00 & Jake opened the door of his bedroom. He saw that his princess is sleeping peacefully with her unicorn plushie. He sat beside her head & slowly patted her hair. Amy looked at him with sleepy eyes. She placed her head in Jake's lap. Jake chuckled at his daughter's cuteness. He kissed her forehead & said,
Jake: Happy birthday princess.
Hearing this, Amy's eyes lit up. She started looking at Jake, there were many emotions in her eyes which the little soul had kept hidden within herself for so many years.
Jake: Don't be surprised baby. Now my princess is in her castle, so I will give her everything with special princess treatment.
So, Your Highness would you like to cut your cake. Amy nodded cutely. Then Jake took her into his arms & came to terrace. When they reached the terrace, a lot of flowers fell on them from above. Amy got scared and grabbed Jake's neck tightly. Jake smiled said,
Jake: Princes, she who's here.
Amy peeped from Jake's neck and saw Brett standing there with a cute cake and some gifts. She smiled softly. Jake came towards the cake, he made Amy sit on a chair, placed a crown on her head, lit candles and asked her to make a wish. Amy joined her tiny palms & said in her mind,
Amy: God, I know you can't give me my Mumma again ,but on my birthday, I just want to ask you to quickly fulfill all my mumma's wishes, I don't want anything else.
She opened her eyes, cut the cake & going to feed Jake but he stopped her by holding her hands & said,
Jake: There is someone before me who has rights over you.
Amy's eyes were filled with tears, she put that slice over a plate & said,
Amy: This is for you Mumma.
Jake knelt down in front of Amy, took both of her hands and placed gentle kisses on them.
Jake: I'm sorry princess. I was not with you to celebrate your birthday in those years, but I promise that from today till my last breath, I will celebrate your every happiness like an occasion. you won't have any problems from now on. Your Dada will never leave you alone. And yes, we all will fight together for your Mumma.
After hearing all this she started crying badly but then Brett came near her and picked her up in his lap and said,
Brett: Baby, quickly cut the cake and feed us. I did not eat dinner at night so that I would not miss this cake. And do you know how afraid your dada is of ghosts?
Jake: Did you have to be reminded of all this right now?? Ba...baby let's cut the cake quickly. It's already late.
Brett: See,I told you.
Then all three of them talked for a bit, cut and ate the cake and went to their bedroom.
Next morning,
Everyone was having breakfast and then Mrs.Toner said to Amy,
Mrs.Toner: Happy birthday my dear Amy.
Amy stopped eating and held the spoon tightly with fear. Jake noticed her fear then she bend towards her ear & whispered,
Jake: Don't be afraid princess, I'm here with you.
Amy: Tha...thank you.
Josh: Happy birthday dear Amy.
He extended his hand towards her but Amy got scared after seeing his hand. Then Jake gently placed his hand on her back to calm her down.
Jake: Josh, she's not comfortable with you yet. Give her some time.
Josh: Yaah bro. It's okay. I can see that.  But very soon she will be in my arms.
He thought in his mind with an evil smirk in his face which was noticed by Brett. It seems that he didn't like this decision of Jake. Why did he tell them about Amy's real identity?? Seeing the way Josh was looking at Amy, he couldn't control his anger and told Jake,
Brett: Jake, finish your meal quickly, we have a lot of preparation to do for the evening.
Jake nodded his head slowly.
Mrs.Toner: Amy, won't you call me granny??
Amy was just looking at her plate, she didn't even look at her and went to her room.
Jake: Ahhhh... Mom. Please don't mind.
Mrs.Toner: Don't worry,it's okay. She's too young to understand everything. I know she must be missing her mom.
After that Brett came to Amy & sat with her. Amy was just crying while holding her Mumma's photo. Brett hugged her & said,
Brett: Don't cry baby. Your Dada will not leave those monsters. He'll fight for your Mumma. And one more thing today I'm gonna teach you some important stuff. Listen to me carefully.
Amy nodded slowly.
Brett: If any of them ever try to talk to you or touch you, stop them and stay away from them. And if they ever try to touch you, especially Josh, you have to tell me or Dad, don't worry. Look, if mumma had told Dada, he would have protected her. You're our brave girl,right?? So, don't be afraid of them. Not only them if you're not comfortable with a person then don't let them touch you inappropriately.
But Brett did not know that someone was looking at him with loving eyes and listening to him. When Brett and Amy both leave without eating breakfast, Jake becomes sad, so he decides to bring food to the room. He was about to enter his room when he heard Brett's words which made him emotional. Jake entered with a sad face,he placed the food on the table & about to went towards them but suddenly Brett said,
Brett: Amy, you just stay here. I need to talk something important with your Dada.
He gestured Jake to came to balcony side which he followed like a obedient child. Brett came to balcony & looked towards Jake like he'll eat him in one go. Jake gulped his saliva after seeing him like this & asked,
Jake: See, I know I did something which I shouldn't. But I don't know what?? So, please can you tell me why are you so much angry on me?
Brett folded his arms to his chest & asked,
Brett: Tell me one thing why did you tell them she's Amy not Myra?? Aren't you afraid if they try to harm her like Eli?
Jake: No....please don't say like that. I won't let anyone do anything to her.
Brett: Then?? Why you did this? You didn't even discuss with me or Mike once before telling them. Oh, I got it. We're not his parents, we don't have any rights.
Jake hugged him tightly & said,
Jake: Please don't say like that. You both are my savior. I'm sorry,I'm really very sorry that I didn't let you know. Please forgive me.
Brett broke the hug & hold his hands. A thin smile appeared on Brett's face when he saw Jake apologizing like a child in front of him.
Brett's POV:
A super intelligent detective, before whom any criminal would have surrendered, was defeated today by his own people. Truly, love makes a person strong and sometimes it is love that makes a person weak. These two father and daughter lost everything in this cheap game without any mistake. There is still a small child inside him who is yearning for the love of his loved ones, who considers himself responsible for all this. Eli, I know you showed great courage by saving Amy from those people, but I wish you had not tried to destroy your existence so you would have been with us today. Your family really needs your presence. They both yearn for your love which no one else can fulfill.
His thoughts were disturbed when Jake shook both his hands slowly and asked,
Jake: Brett, are you even listening to me or not?
Brett: Huh?? Oh yes. I'm not angry on you.
Jake: I can't thank you enough. You're indeed my savior.
Brett: Okay,okay. Now stop buttering. Tell me what's going on in your mind??
Jake looked at him with a shocking face,
Brett: Don't be surprised, I know you have some strong plans. That's why you told her everything before the party.
Jake: Not bad,you're talking like a detective.
Brett: Now spill the beans.
Then Jake told him everything about his plan.
Time skip to evening party,
Amy is getting ready for her birthday party. She was wearing a unicorn gown. Jake was doing her hair and Brett was making her wear her shoes. But she did not want to go in front of them. While thinking something like this, her eyes fell on these two. She was admiring these two men,who were ready to sacrifice their everything for her, then she remembered how she had spent those years crying alone, how on every birthday she wished to meet her Dada, how she was suffering these years. And now that she was getting all that, it all seemed like a pleasant dream to her. She was very young in age, but what she has endured at such a young age, perhaps even older people cannot bear it. Somewhere she was also afraid that if she woke up, the whole dream would break. She was lost in her thoughts when Jake place a floral crown on her head & said,
Jake: DONE.
Brett: Mine is done too.
Jake: Now let's see how my princess is looking?
He turned her towards him & looked at her lovingly.
Jake: Oh my God. You're looking like an angel.
Brett: Indeed.
Amy: Okay,now don't make me emotional. I don't wanna cry.
Both chuckled seeing her cuteness.
Jake: Okay my drama queen.
Amy: Not again Dada. I'm not....
Jake/Brett: I'm not drama queen,I'm cute. Okay.
They both copied her,causing them to laugh.
Jake: Okay,now let's go to the party.
They were about to leave when Amy hold Jake's hand tightly & said,
Amy: Dada...
Jake understood what she was trying to say so he leaned towards her and said,
Jake: Do you trust your Dada?
Amy nodded her head slowly.
Jake pecked her forehead & took her into his arms.
Jake: So,let's celebrate your day. Come Brett.
They left to downstairs.
On the other side,
Josh: Are you ready for the boom Mom??
Mrs.Toner: I'm saying again, think one more time before doing this.
Josh: Don't worry mom, there will be no problem this time. I've set everything up nicely. This time we will achieve our target and with bonus.
Mrs.Toner: See, I don't have any interest on your intentions. I just want to get everything and get that Jake out on the streets and see him begging. Don't you dare to spoil my dreams this time.
Josh: Got it. I'll take care of everything. You just enjoy the party. Go...go. I'm coming after some time.
Mrs.Toner left from there, but Josh took out some papers  from his pocket & started laughing like maniac.
Josh: Well, I must say that you were very smart. You transferred all your property to your daughter. But what did you think?? I wasn't going to get anything? All this came to me the same day I got to know that she's your daughter, I was just waiting for the right time. And now that time has come.You acted very well, that's why I went crazy for you. It was different that you have escaped from my clutches, but there is still someone whom I'm gonna devour. I'll quench the rest of my thirst.
He again started laughing loudly.
And here Jake and Brett are walking down the hall holding both of Amy's hands. That little soul wanted to be happy on her birthday after so many years but the fear in her heart doesn't let her be happy. On the other hand, she couldn't even talk to her mumma the whole day. When all three of them reached the party hall, Amy looked at the entire hall, all around it was decorated as if it was really a princess's palace. The entire hall was filled with balloons, butterflies and fairy lights. Seeing all this, her eyes filled with tears and she held her Dada's hands even tighter as if someone was about to snatch her Dada from her. She was admiring all this when her eyes fell on Mike and she ran straight to him and hugged him. He also smiled and hugged his niece and took her in his arms. Seeing her like this Mike asked,
Mike: Has my baby missed me that much?
Amy nodded slowly without braking the hug. Mike made her to look at him & pecked her forehead.
Mike: Happy birthday my Cinderella. You turned 12, now you are my big baby.
Amy looked at him & asked,
Amy: Where's my special cookies?
Mike made a thinking face then said,
Mike: Ahhh...I'm sorry baby. I didn't make cookies for you, I thought your dad organized everything so well that you didn't miss my cookies.
Amy made an angry pout & said,
Amy: How could you think that I will not miss my special cookies, I have celebrated my previous birthdays with them. I want my cookies.
Hearing this, Mike remembered about Eli, She also always insisted him for cookies like this. He kneeldow infront of her hold her both hands & placed soft kisses on them.
Mike: How can I forget about my baby? I've baked your favorite unicorn cookies for you.
Hearing this, Amy's eyes lit up. A big smile appeared on her cute face. Then Mike brought cookies from the side table and placed them on Amy's hand and said,
Mike: Here's the special cookies for my Cinderella.
Amy: Okay, now feed me quickly. I can't wait.
Mike: open your mouth,aaaaa.
Brett and Jake were both looking at them with a lot of emotion. Then Mike came to them and Brett hugged him and said,
Brett: Welcome buddy. I hope you liked all the arrangements today. We have tried our best to make our Amy's day absolutely special.
Mike: Oh Yaah. Don't be formal Brett & thank you for everything. You're really a savior.
Hearing the word " Savior " Brett looked towards Jake who gave him a sweet gesture by a soft smile. Then Mike came to Jake & without wasting any time Jake hugged him tightly.
Jake: Will I get forgiveness from you today?
Mike broke the hugg & said,
Mike: I was never angry with you, so what are you apologizing for? Those times and circumstances were very bad. Lets move on from the past. Well guys, this evening shouldn't be wasted. After all it's her special day.
All three of them looked at her who was enjoying her cookies without caring about anything while talking to her unicorn plushie. Seeing this scene, Jake became emotional and said while wiping his tears.
Jake: I took away the childhood of my own daughter, because of me she had to face so much at such a young age.
Both Brett & Mike patted his back with a gesture of empathy while Brett said,
Brett: Now let's go guys,let's celebrate.
Just then Mrs. Toner and Josh also arrived and Mrs. Toner maintaining her drama said,
Mrs.Toner: Happy birthday Amy. Here's your gift.
She placed a box on her hand with a fake smile.
Mrs.Toner: Don't you want to see your gift Amy?
Amy looked at Jake with a scared face while Jake ngave her permission by slowly blinking his eyelids. Then she opened that box but got scared and threw it down. She was just crying, seeing her like this, Jake, Brett, Mike all came running to her. Jake took her in his arms and Brett picked up the box and saw that there was a bracelet in it, but after seeing Amy like this, Brett immediately checked it again and there was a spider in it and Amy is very afraid of spiders, which Mrs. Toner knew very well, So she deliberately put a spider in that box. Mrs.Toner smirked then said with a worried face,
Mrs.Toner: I'm so sorry Jake. I don't have any idea about that spider. I'm so sorry, I scared her.
Jake clenched his fists in anger but Mike stopped him by holding his hand, then he controlled his anger and said,
Jake: It's okay Mom. Let's cut the cake.
They were about to leave when Josh said to Amy,
Josh: Happy birthday beautiful girl.
He extended his hands towards her, seeing which Amy moved back in fear but still Josh started caressing her cheek and said,
Josh: I know you're not comfortable with us yet, but that's okay, you will be soon.
Brett got angry after seeing this and he removed Josh's hands and said,
Brett: Nothing will happen by forcing her, she will talk to you automatically when she will become comfortable.
Then he took Amy in his arms & said,
Brett: Let's cut the cake.
Then Jake brought Amy's princess castle birthday cake down the hall, after seeing that Amy jumped from Brett's arms and walked towards Jake. She was so happy after seeing the cake, she was checking her princess gown, crown, & cake again and again. She was feeling exactly like a real princess. Then Jake leaned towards her and asked ,
Jake: does my princess like her castle?
Amy nodded her head repeatedly which made everyone adore her except Josh & Mrs.Toner.
Jake: Shall we start the party??
Amy: Yes...
She cut the cake & before anyone's instruction she put one big slice of cake on a plate for her mumma. Seeing this, Jake and Brett were happy but Mike did not understand anything, so Brett quietly whispered in his ear,
Brett: The first slice is for Eli. Jake taught him this.
Hearing this, Mike's eyes filled with tears. He looked at the father and daughter who were lovingly feeding each other the cake.
Just then Amy came towards Brett and Mike with the cake, she pulled the sleeve of Mike's shirt causing him to lean towards her. Then she fed Mike the cake and kissed his cheeks. He also fed Amy cake and kissed her forehead. But when she came to Brett, before she could say anything, Brett ate the cake from her hand. Seeing this she widened his eyes. She looked at Brett with narrowed eyes and after a while both of them started laughing.
Then Brett lifted her into his arms and kissed her cheeks. But seeing all this Mars.toner whispered to Josh,
Mrs.Toner:What happened, you were talking so big that I will do this, I will do that.
Josh: Don't worry Mom. just wait a little longer.
Mrs.Toner:Whatever you have to do, do it quickly, I cannot bear their happiness.
Josh: (thought)
: Today I'll get what I want.
He was looking at Amy and smiling sheepishly, which Brett noticed.
Brett: (thought)
: Something is definitely going on in his mind. I need to talk to jake.
After this, Mrs. Toner and Josh went to their room and everyone else sat in the car and went somewhere.

 Toner and Josh went to their room and everyone else sat in the car and went somewhere

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In my dreams (ON GOING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora