Alternate Ending

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-the alternate ending begins at chapter 14


Muichiro didn't even bother wiping the tears from her eyes as she pushed herself off the edge...

-end of recap-


-Meanwhile, with Tanjiro-

Tanjiro had just gotten back from her class and noticed that the dorm was empty. It was strange because, Muichiro never like going out by herself. Tanjiro glanced over to Muichiro's desk, seeing some of her things left out.

One of those things was a piece of paper. Tanjiro hope that maybe it was a letter saying where Muichiro went... but she could have always texted Tanjiro, so why would she write a letter?

Out of curiosity, Tanjiro went up to the desk and looked at the letter. After reading it, Tanjiro's eyes widened and tears threatened to fall. The letter read:

Hello, my love. If you are reading this, it's too late. My mother told me that I would have to leave early. And to make sure I couldn't leave, she was going to pick me up and bring me herself. I wish there was another way, but I'm probably dead by now... I wish the two of us could have had a good life together, but we wouldn't be able to see each other for a long time regardless of what option I chose.

I know it was selfish of me, but I knew I had to die. I apologize, but you don't have to forgive me. I do have one request, if you don't mind. Do you think you could enter Wilted Lotus in the competition for me? We both worked hard to finish it, and I wouldn't want that to go to waste. Also, next to the book you will find a notebook. Feel free to look through it, as only the first page is filled out.

The only person that should be blamed for my death, other than myself, is my mother. Most people say that's it was no one's fault, but in my case, it was her fault. Anyway, Tanjiro, I love you very much and I couldn't bear the thought of having to live without you. Just remember that I will always love you, even in the afterlife. And once again, I'm sorry.

Goodbye, Tanjiro, my love.

Tanjiro's tears fell, as everything sunk in. Muichiro was dead and it was all because of her mother. Tanjiro looked at the notebook Muichiro talked about in the letter. She opened it and saw the first filled out with descriptions of what shapes Muichiro saw in the clouds.

Tanjiro wiped away her tears. 'She can't be dead yet; she can't be!' Tanjiro set the notebook back down on the desk and ran out the door. 'If I were Muichiro, where would I die?'... 'It hurts to have to think things like that... anyway, I bet she'd be at the river... she always liked it there...'

Tanjiro ran towards the river, hoping and praying that Muichiro wasn't dead yet. It was the most stressful time in Tanjiro's life. She had never grown as attached to someone as she did to Muichiro. Just knowing that arriving even a second late could cost Muichiro's life was hard for her.

Tanjiro got to the river and saw Muichiro starting to fall into the water. Tanjiro ran to her as fast as she possibly could and grabbed Muichiro's arm before she could fall in. Muichiro's eyes widened. She wasn't expecting anyone to intervene, so feeling the sudden contact startled her.

Muichiro was frozen in place. The only thing keeping her from falling into the water was whoever was holding her arm. The person started bringing Muichiro back to the bridge. Their breathing sounded slightly panicked, and they just seemed panicked overall.

Muichiro was pulled back onto the bridge. When she saw who had saved her, Muichiro was almost surprised. Almost. She didn't expect anyone to save her, but if they did, Tanjiro would probably be the one to save her.

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