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^Character designs^(I have them separately, but wattpad won't let me add more than one picture. Separate pictures will be at the end.)


'Tanjiro,' Muichiro thought, 'Is kind of pretty...'

-end of recap-

The sun rose above the horizon. The light slowly started seeping through the thin curtains of the dorm. Muichiro awoke from her slumber and quietly got ready for the day ahead of her. She looked through her clothes and picked an outfit not unlike the one she wore the previous day. It was her favorite to wear. Comfortable and nice-looking.

Muichiro decided to make tea before she continued getting ready. She got a mug and a teabag, green tea to be specific, and filled the mug with warm water from the sink. Once the mug was full, she set the teabag in and stirred it a bit. Muichiro didn't put much in her tea, though she did add some honey.

She sat down at her desk, which was really the only other furniture she had(other than her bed), and continued a story she was writing while drinking her tea. Muichiro found it weird to not have to deal with people yelling at her or forcing her to clean or cook. It was peaceful. 'This is how mornings should be...' Muichiro thought while she took a sip of her tea.

Muichiro sat there for hours. She finished two additional chapters, about 40 pages. It was a lot of writing and Muichiro preferred to write by hand and not on a computer. It was about 10:30, about five hours after Muichiro woke up. She began to worry since Tanjiro hadn't awoken yet.

After about 10-15 minutes, Tanjiro started waking up. "Good morning, Muichiro..." Tanjiro greeted, still tired. "Good morning" She said in reply. Tanjiro got up and got ready while Muichiro stayed at her desk.

"What are you writing?" Tanjiro inquired, looking over Muichiro's shoulder. "It's a story for a writing competition. Whoever wins will earn money and their book will be published."

"That's so cool!" Tanjiro exclaimed, "I wish you the best of luck!" Muichiro smiled softly before adding to her previous statement. "The hard part is, you have to have a cover for your book. I can't really draw, so that might be difficult. They judge the cover, so I may not be able to win."

"I can draw you one!" Tanjiro happily exclaimed. "You can?" Muichiro asked, double checking. "Mhm! My major is art, so I can draw one for you!" Muichiro was surprised at seeing someone willing to help her. She allowed Tanjiro to help and told her a summary of the book and told her how it would end.

Tanjiro eagerly pulled got her iPad that she used for drawing and started working on the sketch for the cover. After almost forty-five minutes, she showed Muichiro the sketch for the cover. Muichiro was incredibly impressed by Tanjiro's art skills, seeing as she herself could not draw.

"We should probably go get something to eat..." Tanjiro said as her stomach made a quiet rumble sound. "You go on ahead," Muichiro replied, "I've already eaten." Tanjiro nodded and left for breakfast, or was it lunch at this point? Maybe brunch? Whatever, she left to get food.

Once Tanjiro returned from breakfast(?), she decided to show Muichiro around the school. Muichiro was new this year. The school she was previously at wasn't a great fit, and she only went because she was on the wait list for this one. The college that Muichiro and Tanjiro go to has the best creative writing and arts program in the area. To get in, you have to submit some of your work or earn a scholarship from competitions. In Muichiro's case, she entered a writing competition during her senior year of high school and won a scholarship.

Unfortunately for her, the school was too full the first year and she was put on the waiting list. Fortunately, enough people left the school and she was able to get in this year. Tanjiro, who had been there since year one, got in by submitting one of her greatest artworks.

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