Year 4 | 24 | Dark Start

Start from the beginning

"Ugh, poverty meets pity," Draco scowled.

"Now, now, Draco," Lucius scolds. "Don't forget they had to leave some children at home." He looks next to him at Lisa, and smirks. "When our friends were invited, we had to swipe some tickets somewhere. Weasley may have gotten them for free- but that doesn't guarantee permanent possession. Of course, by the Ministry's approval."

Lisa could tell the Weasley's were well aware of their seats being given away. Most of them were glaring at each and everyone who sat- even Lisa herself and Daphne, who were completely innocent. The only ones not glaring were the twins (who were distracting themselves with exploding candies much to the Minister's disfavor as one could see him side-eyeing them), the mother (she was nudging her husband and whispering something), and Harry, who Lisa finally found.

She waved while no one was looking and he grinned and waved back. After a while, right before they were seated, Draco caught them looking at each other and he leaned in to Lisa. "You can be buddy-buddy at Hogwarts if you don't mind. My father has been out for that git since he set our house-elf free."

Lisa flushed and composed herself. "I'm sorry! You're right." She remembered her father's words about the disagreements their family friends had about the boy, but she didn't understand. If they were retired Death Eaters, why would they still have a problem with him?

The game began and Ireland immediately won over the ball. Their Chasers were fast and light, the opposite of Bulgaria's.

Lisa didn't know who to root for, and the quiet banter of her family friends proved they were all split. Malfoy even made a bet with Zabini's new husband, who was no expert. With anything. Except having a lot of money.

Lisa had been practicing flying by herself even during her trip to France and loved to see the mechanisms of the professional players. She wanted to play just like them, even though she wasn't sure if she wanted to play as a career. She didn't think she was that good, either.

It was becoming embarrassing for Bulgarian as Ireland scored shot after shot, and Lisa wished she heard who Malfoy betted on. She caught sight of Aiden Lynch, the one who Daphne was in awe over, dodging Bludgers from Bulgaria.

"Focus on the Chasers!" Blaise exclaimed in a level tone. He knew there was no use in yelling when they can't hear anyway.

The Weasley's did not know or they did not care.

Splitting wizard's ear drums seemed to be second-nature to the redheaded crowd and suddenly, Lisa judged them based on their class. They were in the Ministry's top box, and they were behaving like trolls.

It didn't take much away from her enjoyment as she and Draco and Blaise were pressed up near the opening waiting for another shot- or for someone to claim the Snitch.

In just four short hours, Ireland won.

Bulgaria caught the Snitch and still did not have enough points to overtake their opponent.

It seemed Malfoy was coming home with a big bag of coins- not that he needed it but it sure seemed to affect Mr. Zabini. Although everyone knew his money would soon leave him.

Lisa didn't have a preference for the teams, but she ended up having a good time so really, it didn't matter. She and Daphne walked down the steps together, planked by the boys who were protecting them from the crowd.

After the game ended, Draco's father was urging them to leave that night instead of sleeping and staying for the morning. Usually, he's not strict but his serious undertone convinced the teens to hurry and pack.

As Lisa headed away with the others, she caught sight of a familiar face. "I'll catch up with you guys!" Draco didn't ask anything of her since their parents were already up ahead waiting and wouldn't see much.

Before she got to where Harry was standing, there was a scream.

And then more screaming, and panicking, and steps.

Lisa got pushed over by a huge crowd and saw Harry reaching out for her. She was embarrassed to be on the ground, and worried that something bad happened. He helped her up and Lisa turned to where her friends were, but she couldn't see through the crowd.

Hermione and Ron came out of a small, distressed looking tent and found Harry. Following was the whole Weasley family, their dad shouting orders about staying together but soon everyone was separated.

Lisa stuck next to Harry's side with Hermione and Ron and they tried to run into the woods away from whatever was happening, but another group of people swept through and separated Lisa and Harry from the others.

Before the entered the woods, Lisa looked behind her and saw fire and in the distance, burning tents. She looked forward and her pace quickened. They weren't sure where to go, nor where Hermione and Ron could've gone.

Lisa was losing her breath and Harry saw her slow down, and joined her, putting a hand on her shoulder protectively and without thought.

They were trying to piece together what happened, when they heard a strange, dark voice cast, "Morsmordre."

A figure disappeared into the darkness and they decided to not follow. Another voice sounded in the distance, and Lisa realized she recognized it.

They ran to the voice and Lisa watched Hermione and Ron look over at Draco, who had appeared. "They're after Muggles and muggle-borns- it's not safe," he growled threateningly yet as a warning?

"Draco!" Lisa exclaimed as she and Harry entered. She tripped over a branch, but was caught by Harry.

"I lost you guys- what are you doing here?"

Draco shook his head. "Daphne was worried sick. Someone had to come and find you. I should trust you were in," he sniffed and looked away, "tolerable care."

Before she could answer, the sky filled with green and black and they all looked up to see an image of a snake going through a skull head.

Draco's eyes filled with fear instantly. "We're going."

Lisa knew not to object, and wished Harry a safe way out.

Almost as if he had commanded it, Draco's mother Apparated and, with a stiff look at the Gryffindors, took Draco and Lisa to a place they would be safe- the Malfoy manor where everyone was waiting.

~ * ~ * 1.6k words ~ * ~ *

Published 4/11/24

What's a movie you've been wanting to see?

Mine's Songbirds and Snakes lolz

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