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As they drove to DrRetro's house they saw some military vehicles passing by them. Pest would start to doubt himself and believe this virus was something much worse.

"Pest I'm scared..."

"There's probably just some conflict between nations..."

They finally reached the Address and found a mansion not very far from where they lived, DrRetro was clearly loaded.

As they Pulled into the driveway they saw a few of the other npcs cars already parked in front of the mansion.

They would step out of the car and take their suitcase from the trunk and knock on the door. DrRetro would creak the door open and begin to unlock the many locks she had on her door.

"Meow" (come inside)

As Poob entered the house he would see Mark, Walter, Split, Bive, and Pilby all in the living room. They all looked incredibly worried.

"Meeow" (sit)

The two would sit down as DrRetro stood in front of everyone.

"Meow, meeow mmeow meoow" (well, were missing two people it's fine)

DrRetro would exhale sharply.

"Meow mmeow meoww meow" (as you know I work at the hospital here in Kentucky and since I'm one of their best yet I have received some information not available to the public about this virus"

"Meow, mrow, meoww meow meeooow" (yes, the rumours are true, we have a zombie apocalypse on our hands)

Everyone would gasp and begin to murmur to themselves.


"yer jokin, right doc?"

"Meow, meow meow meow" (unfortunately, I'm not and I have proof to back up my claim)

DrRetro would turn to the Tv and turn it on.

"Meow meow mmeow meeow meoww" (there's been a video circulating around the Internet of some "rioters" protesting the quarantine)

"Why'd u put so much focus on the word rioters?"

"Meow mreow" (just watch the clip)

DrRetro would start the video. It showed some police officers attempting to quell a riot only for one of the rioters to grab one of the officer's arms and bite a chunk out of it.

"Dear god..."

"Why don't they just tell the public that it's a zombie outbreak?"

"Meow, mmeow mreow" (Because, if they did everyone would begin panicking and probably start breaking the law"

"Or because they're big MEANIES!"

"So what are we gonna do?"

"Meow meow meow" (were staying at my house until the government either finds a cure or kills all of the infected)

"Aren't u a doctor why don't u try and find a cure?"

"Meow mmeow meoww" (well if push comes to shove I may have to resort to that)

A knock at the door would shift everyone's attention from DrRetro to the door. She would slowly approach the door and peak outside and open it. Lampert and Infected would then step in holding some bags containing their belongings.


Walter would immediately run up to him and hug him tight, Mark would do the same.

"You had us worried sick what took you so long?"

Lampert would politely push them away and sanitize himself before speaking.

"Well it's just me and Infected live really far away that's all"

"Wait you two live together?"

Lampert would start to blush from embarrassment as he realized he never told his parents that him and Infected were dating.

"Uhmm well-

"W3ll 0f c0urs3 w3 l1v3 t0g3th3r h3s my b0yfr13nd" infected says, wiping a bit of his snot on his arm.

Lamperts blush would only worsen as Infected chimed in. He'd look back at his parents who were completely flabbergasted.

"Lampert... Is this true?"

Lampert would sigh.

"Yes, Infected is telling the truth"

Long pause

"So lemme get this straight, you'd rather date patient zero over here than hug your own parents?"

"H3Y!!! D:<"

"Well that's different!"

"He is literally constantly coughing and sneezing and you have no problem with that?"

"1 d0 n0t!"

"That's because I can't look at you two after...

The incident"

Mark and Walter would immediately stop talking and look at each other. They immediately knew what Lampert was talking about.

Back when Lampert was a toddler they had gotten into a fight but it wasn't just your usual bickering. Punches were thrown and objects were flying across the room. It had gotten so bad the police had been called and Mark had to be forcefully removed from the household.

He still remembers Walter hugging him and telling him that everything was gonna be okay while crying.

"Lampert we've changed since then!"

"The point still stands no child should ever be exposed to that"

And with that hed go over to the living room and sit down with Infected following him.

"S0 why d1d u br1ng us h3r3???"

"Meow, meowww" (to put it short, there's a zombie apocalypse and it's spreading, fast)

"W3ll d0nt w0rry 1v3 pl4y3d 4l0t 0f v1d30 g4m3s!"

DrRetro would pinch the bridge of her nose and exhale.

"Meow meeow meow..." (this is gonna go great...)

DrRetro would show everyone around the house which had enough bedrooms for everyone and a basement full of supplies. It seems like DrRetro has been waiting for this moment her entire life.

She would then serve everyone Dinner and they would all eat in silence. Walter and Mark would glare at Infected from across the table, jealous that they were getting less affection from Lampert than him.

Midway through dinner the TV would suddenly flash on and it would start to display an emergency broadcast.


Poob would get up from the table and look outside where he had a perfect view of the busiest part of town. Buildings were burning and helicopters littered the sky. Cop lights were everywhere and the screams, oh God the screams.

Everyone would join Poob at the window and stare at what used to be their home and at that moment everyone knew that nothing was going to be the same.

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