[Name] pouted at the flick as he rubbed his forehead. Nevertheless, he gave a nod before turning around as they reached his classroom's door. He'll be doing a few more dry runs in the club room for the morning half of the day but he wanted to peek on his classmates beforehand.

He slid the door quietly but despite his best efforts it still creaked, alerting the rest of the students inside.

"[Name]!" Reo was the first to greet him as he zoomed over to where he was, excitement filling him at the unexpected surprise. "I didn't think I'd see you before the performance." He made sure to whisper the last part, ensuring that he didn't spoil anyone that their classmate was one of the chosen few to play.

"Haha, yeah." [Name] gave a small laugh before looking around the room. "It seems like everything's going well on your part."

"Of course it is, I'm the one leading it." Reo replied easily, almost a matter-of-fact tone, right after with crossed arms.

"I didn't expect anything less." [Name] gave one final smile as he backed away. "I just wanted to see how the class was doing. I'll be off for practice now."

"Yeah," Reo nodded despite the disappointment that filled him. He's gonna miss the only decent person in his classroom, even if it's for barely a day.

[Name] gave a small wave before closing the door once more. When he turned around, however, he was immediately met by his mom's teasing grin.

He almost forgot she was here.

"So? Who was that?" She asked with wiggling eyebrows. "I'm disappointed you didn't introduce me. I was so sure I raised a gentleman." She huffed with a playful pout.

"Mom..." [Name] couldn't help but sigh at his mom's dramatics. Like mother, like son, he supposed. "I was just talking to Reo."

"Oh!" Fumiko's eyes lit up at the familiar name. "That Reo?" She asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, mom. My friend Reo." He said as he began tugging her in the direction to his club's room.

"Now I'm even more sad you didn't introduce me!" She whined at the prospect of not meeting the friend that [Name]'s always talked about. She had so much thank the boy for especially since he's that one that's been keeping an eye on her baby when he came to school.

"I'll introduce you to him one day, okay?" He offered her a smile, only if to get her to finally stop.

Fumiko couldn't help but snort at her son's actions as her eyes glinted fondly. "You promise?" She smiled.

"I promise!" [Name] nodded happily before pulling her even faster. "Now come on! I think I'm late."

"Yes, yes," She rolled her eyes before running along as well.

It didn't matter if they received weird stares along the way. As long as her son was smiling happily then that's all she could ever ask for.


"Nothing like the present," He murmured the phrase absentmindedly as he clutched onto his microphone, remembering the words his mom told him when they entered the school.

He was finally on the outside stage that was placed across from the school building. As far as he knew, this was only used for special performances and events, hence why they were here and not the large auditorium.

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