Not So Bad?

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Maggie wakes Billie up.

"Good morning honey." Maggie says.

Billie stretches and mumbles good morning.

Maggie gets Billie dressed and puts her in her high chair.

Maggie sets up the playstation for Billie and hands her the controller.

"Here Billie you can play some video games while I cook." Maggie says.

Billie takes the controller and starts playing.

Ever since Billie has been serving this baby punishment she hasn't really had to do any chores. Finneas has been doing more chores. Billie gets to play video games and hasn't had to cook any food.

Maybe this whole thing is not so bad after all?

Billie keeps playing her video game and smiles for the first time in four days.

"Mommy where's Finneas?" Billie asks.

"Finneas slept over at Claudia's house." Maggie says.

"Ok." Billie nods and goes back to playing.

15 Minutes Later:

Maggie gives Billie a box of animal crackers and an apple juice box.

"Thanks mommy." Billie says and starts eating.

Billie is happy and feels like a toddler. No stress.

"Hey Billie I want you to taste test this icing I'm making." Maggie says while holding up a spoonful of icing to Billie's mouth.

"It's good mommy!" Billie says.

"Great!" Maggie says.

Maggie frosts a homemade cinnamon bun for Billie.

"Here you go baby." Maggie says while putting the cinnamon bun on the high chair tray.

"Thanks mommy." Billie says.

Billie pauses her game and eats the cinnamon bun.

It feels good to be on Maggie's good side.

20 Minutes Later:

Maggie brings over the rest of breakfast pancakes and mashed potatoes.

Billie pauses her game and gets spoon fed by Maggie.

After Billie is done Maggie puts the dishes in the sink.

Billie is thirsty.

"Can I have my bottle mommy?" Billie asks.

"Of course sweetie." Maggie says while filling a baby bottle with water.

Maggie hands the bottle to Billie and Billie chugs it.

Billie burps and then plays more playstation.

5 Hours Later:

"Ok you've been playing for hours Billie. It's nap time now." Maggie says.

"I don't want a nap." Billie whines.

"Babies need to take a nap." Maggie says.

"But I want to finish this part of my game. Pleeeease." Billie fusses.

"Mommy would hate to punish you even more Billie. Now let's take a nap ok." Maggie says in a serious tone.

Billie gives up and pauses her game.

"Ok." Billie sighs.

Maggie walks Billie to the couch and tucks her in.

Maggie maternally pats Billie's padded butt.

10 Minutes Later:

Billie falls asleep.

Maggie uses her laptop while Billie takes a nap.

1 Hour Later:

Billie wakes up.

"How was your nap?" Maggie asks.

"It was good." Billie says while stretching.

"Good. Ok you can play with toys now." Maggie says while pouring some toys on the floor for Billie to play with.

"I don't want to play with toys I want to keep playing video games." Billie says.

"Ok since you asked so nicely you can keep playing video games." Maggie says while turning Billie's game back on.

Billie smiles and goes back to playing video games.

1 Hour Later:

Finneas and Claudia come back and join Billie in the living room.

Maggie gets up and goes into the kitchen to make a phone call.

"So what happened Billie? What did you do that was so bad to get you punished like this? Finneas won't tell me the reason. He only told me about your punishment." Claudia says.

"So I went out partying. I was a little tipsy not super drunk and I was very tired too. When I was driving home I crashed my mom's car into the tree outside. I totaled it." Billie explains.

"Oh wow! I'm glad you're ok at least. How long is this going to last?" Claudia asks.

"I honestly have no idea... Hopefeully not much longer. I really fucked up." Billie says.

"Dang." Claudia says.

Maggie hangs up the phone and comes back into the living room.

"Hi Billie baby." Maggie coos at Billie.

Billie sighs.

Maggie checks Billie's diaper.

"Aww baby needs a diaper change." Maggie coos and lays Billie down on the floor.

Billie covers her face in embarrassment.

Claudia cringes.

Maggie changes Billie.

Finneas and Claudia try to look away.

"Ok all done! All clean!" Maggie coos.

Billie pouts and goes back to playing video games.

1 Hour Later:

Claudia leaves and goes back home.

Finneas grabs the second controller and plays video games with Billie.

It's a racing game.

Maggie gives Billie animals crackers and a juice box again.

Billie is excited.

"Awww does Billie love being a baby?" Finneas teases.

Billie rolls her eyes.

Maybe this won't be so bad. The way Billie sees it she's got no dignity anymore and nothing to lose. Fuck it.

Billie's Diaper Punishment (Billie Eilish Age Regression)Where stories live. Discover now