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Billie is partying with Zoe and Drew. Before Billie left to go to the party Maggie warned her not to be stupid.

Drew is stupid drunk at this point.

"Fuck yeah! This party is awesome!" Drew drunkenly yells.

"Yo Billie I think Drew is fucked up. She's had so many drinks I can't even count." Zoe chuckles.

"Yeah she's fucked." Billie laughs.

Billie is a little tipsy and tired but not super drunk.

"What time is it Zoe?" Billie slurs.

"It's like 1 in the morning." Zoe replies.

"Oh shit! I'm probably gonna leave now." Billie says.

"Do you want me to give you a ride Billie? You can always come back and pick up your mom's car tomorrow." Zoe says.

"Nah. That's ok. I'll make it. Thanks anyway Zoe." Billie says while giving Zoe a hug.

"Ok. Bye Billie." Zoe says.

Billie says goodbye to Zoe and gets into her mom's car. Billie doesn't even bother to say goodbye to Drew. Drew's basically gone at this point.

Billie listens to the music on her mom's car radio and sings along a little bit. Billie is starting to get more tired and tired at the moment and still feels a little bit tipsy still.

30 Minutes Later:

Billie loses focus and crashes her mom's car into a tree in front of their house.

The air bags come out and Billie doesn't get harmed at all.

Maggie and Finneas run outside after hearing the noise.

"OH MY GOD BILLIE!" Maggie screams and runs over to the car.

Billie comes out and Maggie gives her a big hug and so does Finneas.

"I'm so glad you're ok." Maggie and Finneas say to Billie over and over.

"Thanks. I'm so sorry." Billie says out of breath.

Maggie notices that Billie's breath smells like alcohol.

"Oh my gosh Billie. Why did you drive? I can smell the alcohol. That wasn't a smart decision. You're lucky you're ok." Maggie says.

"I know sorry mom." Billie says.

"Go inside with Finneas. I'll take care of this situation." Maggie says.

Finneas goes inside with Billie and Maggie calls the cops and lies and says she crashed it instead of Billie. The tow truck takes Maggie's car away. It's defiantly totaled.

3 Hours Later:

Maggie comes back inside the house exhausted.

"Billie I'm glad you're not hurt but the decision you made today wasn't a smart one. I also had to lie to the cops so I'm gonna have to punish you." Maggie says calmly.

"I'm 22 years old though! You can't punish me!" Billie shouts.

"You're living under my roof so you're gonna have to follow my rules. You weren't acting your age tonight. Not very responsible Billie." Maggie says.

Finneas watches and remains quiet the whole time.

Ok so your punishment since you can't act your age is rule number 1 no cellphone, Rule number 2 I'm gonna choose your food to feed you, Rule number 3 you have to be around me 24/7, Rule number 4 you're gonna call me mommy instead of mom, Rule 5 I'm gonna choose when you go to bed and rule number 6 you're gonna wear diapers no bathroom privilege." Maggie explains.

Billie's Diaper Punishment (Billie Eilish Age Regression)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin