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Maggie wakes Billie up and gets her dressed.

"How did my baby sleep?" Maggie coos.

"Good." Billie sighs.

Maggie walks Billie over to the DIY high chair and puts her in it.

Billie is sad but she's also starving so she's looking forward to eating soon.

The food that Maggie is cooking smells so good.

30 Minutes Later:

"Ok food's ready. Pancakes and mashed potatoes again." Maggie says while walking over with the food.

Billie is happy to eat.

Maggie holds up a forkful of pancakes to Billie's mouth and she eats it without a fuss.

Maggie feeds Billie a few more bites.

"Aww you love when mommy feeds you." Maggie coos.

Billie sighs.

"I like when mommy feeds me." Billie says.

The food is so good!

Claudia walks in and looks at Billie in shock.

Finneas whispers the situation to Claudia in her ear.

Claudia walks over to Billie without saying anything and gives her a hug.

Finneas also gives Billie a hug and a kiss.

Claudia and Finneas walk out the door and get into Finneas' car.

Maggie finishes up the dishes.

"Ok you're gonna run some errands with mommy today ok." Maggie says.

Billie nods.

"Oh and here's your bottle." Maggie says while holding up the nipple of the bottle to Billie's mouth.

Billie drinks fast.

Maggie wipes Billie's face clean.

"Ok let's get into the car." Maggie says while helping Billie out of the high chair and holding her hand.

They head out to Maggie's new car and drive off.

15 Minutes Later:

They arrive at the bank.

"I'll get you a lollipop if you're good." Maggie says.

Billie shrugs and they walk into the bank together.

Maggie takes some money out.

"I'd like to buy a lollipop." Maggie says to the banker and gives them a dollar.

Maggie lets Billie pick one out and they get back into the car.

Billie eats her lollipop in the car.

25 Minutes Later:

They arrive at the grocery store.

Maggie walks into the store while holding Billie's hand.

"Ok honey you're gonna sit in the back of the cart." Maggie says.

"No! I can't do that! That's embarrassing!" Billie whisper yells.

"Baby's not gonna get fussy in the store is she? I would hate to make you suck on your pacifier in the store." Maggie threatens.

Billie sighs and raises her arms up to Maggie.

Maggie lifts Billie up and sits her in the cart.

Maggie pushes the cart and Billie is upset and feels like a little kid having to sit in the cart.

40 Minutes Later:

Maggie checks out all the groceries and they start heading out the door, but before they leave Maggie stops by the bathroom.

"Let's change your diaper." Maggie whispers to Billie and they walk into the stall that has the changing table on it.

"No! That table is too small. Can we not do this in public." Billie whines.

"On the table right now." Maggie says sternly.

Billie feels uncomfortable on the changing table and moves around a lot and fusses.

"Ok this should help my baby stop fussing." Maggie says while forcing a pacifier in Billie's mouth.

Billie pouts.

Billie feels uncomfortable the whole time Maggie changes her diaper.

A few minutes later they head back out to the car.

"Want taco bell for being so good?" Maggie asks.

Billie nods her head yes.

Maggie goes to taco bell and orders Billie some bean burritos.

Billie eats them all in the car before they even arrive home.

30 Minutes Later:

They get back home and take a nap on the couch.

How much longer is this shit going to last?

Taco bell rocked though.

Billie's Diaper Punishment (Billie Eilish Age Regression)Where stories live. Discover now