Grian nodded, trying not to wince as a feeling of guilt washed over him. He had seen how the Ranchers grew together, he had seen how Scott had resented his own soul bound. He had felt, at the time, that he would be the reason the Flower Husbands would fall apart. His doing. But as luck (and maybe faith) would have it. Two became three.

"Scott knew even before me," Jimmy admitted with a shake of the head," said he could read it on my face and that he was happy I found another who could love me as much as he did. He wanted to learn more about the man that managed to steal my heart as well. They found out they had quite some things in common. Apparently, I have a type."

Another laugh. Grian chuckled along. "How did you guys make it work?" he asked softly. "Good communications," Jimmy immediately answered," Scott and I both confronted Tango, talked about how we stood in our relationship etc. We made it clear we wanted him to be part of it, if that was what he wanted as well." A sigh. "It isn't always easy, what with being on different servers and all. And then there's Scott being an admin on other servers and helping out as well. But again, good communications get you a long way."

Grian nodded. "So all I need to do, according to you," he said hesitantly," is to talk it over with them both." Jimmy nodded. "Just tell them how you feel and go from there," he said with a small smile," Who knows what will happen? But you'll never know if you don't try and I know you. You hate to not know."

He pulled the smaller in a sideway hug. Grian burrowed his head in the other's vest, letting out a deep sigh. "You're right," he muttered," I hate that." Jimmy chuckled as he squeezed the other tight. After a bit of silence, he hummed. "Feeling better?" Grian nodded. "Good, glad I could help," Jimmy beamed a smile. After a bit of silence, Grian pulled back from the hug.

"Don't you have work to do?" he asked with a cheeky smile as he pointed at the wheat. "Why- you!" Jimmy huffed, standing up," Here I was being a good friend and all you do is pester me." His mock offence made Grian laugh. Jimmy pretended to be hurt some more as he went back to hacking down wheat, complaining loudly, only edging Grian on some more.

But Grian could see in the lopsided grin that Jimmy didn't mind at all and only acted dramatic to make him laugh. And Jimmy could tell he appreciated it from the small smile on Grian's face. He could tell it would all work out just fine.

At least, he really hoped so.



Mumbo greeted the other with a nod, when Scott stepped out of the Ranch. "Hello Mumbo," he greeted with a smile," What brings you here?" Mumbo looked towards the wheatfield where Grian made his way over to a hard-at-work Jimmy. "Ah yes," Scott said with a chuckle," I was wondering what all the commotion was."

They watched as Jimmy stood right up, wheat straws sticking out from various places, a playful scold on his face. "Poor Jimmy," Mumbo muttered, making Scott laugh. "He will be alright, he can handle it," he said with a smile," Tho Grian can be quite the hand full." Mumbo chuckled. "Tell me about it."

Scott smirked. "Why don't you tell me about it," he said, carefully eyeing the other's reaction. The slight widening of Mumbo's eyes and a cough to hide his slightly reddening face told Scott all he needed to know. "I don't-, well, ahem," Mumbo stuttered out. Scott eyed the two in the field, waving back as Jimmy waved at him. He noticed Grian practically hiding in between wheat and he got a feeling that the two needed some space. Besides, he was sure Mumbo would appreciate getting out of the sun for a bit.

"Why don't we head inside," he suggested," so we can complain about our relationships over a cup of tea." He softly heard Mumbo mumble something that sounded like 'or lack thereof' before he headed inside. Before the moustached man knew it, he was seated on the couch, cup of tea in hand and a very intently staring at him Scott on the opposite side, seated in a lounge chair. It was as if the other knew things that he himself was unaware of, and he hated that.

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