!PROLOGUE-EP Ø!-Arc 0{Holocaust}

Start from the beginning

Mom turned the television on, the news popping up first, I wasn't one to watch these type of things, but today just somehow felt different.

Staring off intently to the screen, it was of a criminal breaking out of jail, driving through...the streets of Sichuan.

Maybe coincidentally so, the criminal's name was uttered, "Relion Gaxfiel has broke into a nearby supermarket..."

Eyeing the screen intensely, it wasn't long after my mom went silent, it was like the world had come to an end.


A single shot from the barrel was enough for me to know, a murder was taking place in the area I lived in, and...as the shooting continued in that very market, the screen was going to flash to black until...my older sister appeared on it.

With dad, she lunged at the criminal, knocking him over, but the gun still in his hand.

The two scrambled against each other, trying to keep the grasp on the weapon, although despite the effort, it was a fatal outcome.

-B A N G-

This time when I heard the gun fire, this time however, was when I deemed today, as the worst day ever.

The bullet pierced my sister's head, the cops, the police force arriving at the scene.

The memory put into my mind, my heart bellowing with sorrow in a wild beat, my hatred seeking out a target amid its sharp jaws.

That was the moment I swore, to exact my vengeance against a single person, once I grew up...I would...

"Leon..." Mom's voice, usually, her demeanor was one of calmness.

Mom barely showed much emotion, always smiling and being happy for us, allowing us to do whatever we wanted in life, to pursue our dreams.

She was a caring parent, so fabulous that it was like a storybook.

But it was as if this moment, I seen an expression on my mom's face, that told me a different tale.

Rage marked itself into her eyes, though she faced me with the same or even greater amount of grief, she hugged me tightly in despair.

Now I knew, I swore.

That by oath, of if I ever found this man that killed my sister, I would torture him to death.

|Year 2008|July 7th|

|Location-Sichuan, Capital Of Chengdu, China, City Of Dujiangyan|

10 years old, though did that really matter?

I became quite invisible, I used to be popular maybe, symbolized by my art skills.

I went into a state of silence, my birthday kept secret because I didn't want to celebrate the day that my sister died on.

My parents were driving us to our cousin's wedding or something, I could be bothered less, nor did I care.

Sleeping soundly, my eyes closed, my mind blank.

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