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*The Loud Siblings are watching The Dream Boat in the Living Room at Night while Lincoln is Fast Asleep on Leni's Lap*

???: Well, That rests up the most recent season for the Dream Boat. Unfortunately, It is with great sadness that I must inform you we are losing viewers and followers... So we're going to be doing something different for this next coming season... We are going to be doing one boy with many young teenage girl contestants... And we would do the same for the next but the other way around... Until then, Keep your mailboxes up and Have a good night, if you get picked do let us know, Ta-ta.

*Lori turns off the TV*

Lori: *yawn* I don't know if Lincoln should get picked for this...

Luna: That would definitely make his day, huh...

Leni: Make his day... I thought someone else makes the day.

*Everyone else around Leni Facepalmed*

Lynn Jr: I don't know if he should get picked though, besides we are not the best People around him that know about love... All we know about is chaos and pretty much anything but healthy love.

Lori: Me and Bobby aren't that toxic.

*Everyone else stares at her like "Really?"*

Lori: Okay fine, It's mostly one-sided, at least that's what I heard from some of the loud house fans... but I'm not an absolute monster when it comes to boyfriend and girlfriend relationships...

Lynn Jr: You're right, You're not "the worst..." But we're still pretty bad at telling Lincoln about love correctly.

Luna: True. Love is complicated, doesn't mean we know nothing about it.

Leni: Still we won't know if Lincoln will actually like being on "The dream boat" unless if we get him participated.

Lori: She's not wrong...

Luna: So what do we do?

*They hear Lincoln snore softly*

Leni: *chuckles* I think it's time we put him to sleep.

Lori: Right, *chuckles* let's put this aside and let Lincoln sleep.

Lynn Jr: And if he does get picked... We'll just tell him to not heavily rely on our advice, Because of experience.

Luna: True That, Dude.

*Leni carries Lincoln to bed and tucks him in*

*As Soon as She tucks him in, He Smiles in His Sleep*

*As Soon as She tucks him in, He Smiles in His Sleep*

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*Kinda Looks Like this*


Leni: Goodnight Lincoln.

*And with that Leni turns off the lights and closes the door*

*A View Of The Sky Changes From Night to Sunrise on a Saturday Morning.*

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