episode 8

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             Lana dressed herself in athletic leggings and an oversized Devils branded black crewneck. New Jersey was frigid this time of the year, and it rained or snowed essentially every other day. She kept her curtains closed still. It made her room look dingy and feel cold, but it kept her comforted from the spiraling distance that the ground was away from her. She rushed through her bathroom routine, braided her hair back into a slick back pony, and applied some light makeup. Nothing crazy though; just some lip oil, a touch of concealer on her breakouts, and mascara. She grabbed her phone and slid her Apple Pay card into the back of her phone case wallet. The clock above her oven read 6:30pm. Her stomach growled. She shimmied her feet into some white tennis shoes and left her apartment in a hustle.
              Her dangling necklace swung back and forth as she paced quickly into the clean lobby. It was a simple gold chain necklace, adorned with a tiny L for her first name. Her golden hoops matched the necklace, which also matched the golden decals on her tennis shoes. She felt cute, and that was the best way to feel. The secretary at the desk greeted her and told her to have a great night on her way out. She waved and smiled happily.
            The crisp air enveloped her as she strutted through the automatically opening glass doors.  Her feet drug across the grey welcome mat and were soon met by the comforting feeling of a cobblestone ground. She tossed her head from left to right, and back again, under the apartment's awning. It was nicely lit, and people strolled in and out in business attire, so she felt decently safe playing the waiting game until a familiarly colored Rolls Royce pulled through the driveway. A cheeky smile spread across her face as she swung his door open and dipped in. Heat rose back into her near frost bitten cheeks and she greeted him sweetly.

             "Hey Jackoelantern, where are we heading?" Lana asked. She clicked her seatbelt and pulled it taught across her body. 

             "That's a new name, Loony," he replied. Lana rolled her eyes. He continued, "I know a spot it's a surprise," 

             "Wow you know a spot, how smooth," Lana teased.

              Jack pulled the car into drive and exited the parking lot. 

             "You know I can't stand you sometimes right?"

             "Likewise, buddy," her signature cheeky grin returned to her tan face. Jack smiled back with that devilishly handsome smile of his. 

              "Here," he gestured to the tablet in front of him, "pick whatever music you want, it might be a bit of a drive," 

               "You up for some karaoke? I might belt it out," she shuffled through songs and sifted through his Spotify until she found her account. She clicked the follow button and entered her 'favs list'. 

               "Sing if you want I don't mind. Unless you sound like a dying bird then I'll definitely mind-"

                Lana cut him off with an arm pressed to his chest, "Shut up this one's my fav!"

               The opening tenor saxophone notes blared through the crisp speakers, vibrating them slightly. The lyrics opened up, revealing that it was indeed Lana's favorite song: False God by Taylor Swift ("Lana singing along"). Jack rolled the windows down a little, and wind leaked through the open windows, whipping their hair around. She started to sing and dance with intense energy.

"We were crazy to think, crazy to think that this could work. Remember how I said I'd die for you?" Lana's voice was a smooth and sultry alto. She held notes and swayed her shoulders to the thundering beat.

"-Staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town. I'm New York City, I still do it for you babe," she continued. Caught up in her own joy, she didn't even begin to notice the crimson blush climbing onto Jack's cheeks. Or the pink color that his ears turned. Or even the tiny smile that tugged at the corner of his soft lips. He glanced at her through the rear view mirror. She was so relaxed, so beautiful, so comfortable, and so authentic.

"-They say the road gets hard and you get lost when you're lead by blind faith. Blind faith!" She swung her arms left to right and right to left, rolling her neck back and tossing her ponytail around, she still continued to belt.

"-But we might," she locked eyes with Jack now for a brief moment at a red light, "just get away with it, religion's in your lips, even if it's a false god," she scanned his lips, "we'd still worship! We'd still worship this love!"

              The song continued to blare through the interior of the car. The walls vibrated and their seats pulsed to the beat. Lana flailed her arms from side to side and bopped her head back and forth too. To her, music made her feel the most alive, and when she felt alive, her energy was infectious. Jacks smile was beaming nearly brighter than the car lights ahead of him. A few other songs played from her car playlist, and she gave him the concert treatment through each and every one. He did not dare interrupt her too. He pretended to ignore it and tried to force himself to keep his eyes straight, but he couldn't conceal the longing glances he threw at her at each stop light and sign. He relished those stolen glances and made every look count, as thought it might be his last. One day it would be- Jack was up to something. Something that could possibly crush the girl who sat in his passenger seat. But hopefully she wouldn't ever learn of it. Eventually, after around thirty minutes of driving, Jack pulled into a parking lot in what was presumably the middle of nowhere on the shore of a wide, open, and dark river. The parking lot was a grey gravel and the sun had begun to creep back towards the horizon. He parked in the spot closest to the old wooden dock and surprisingly had to shake Lana back awake.

              "Hey we made it, you ready?" Jack smiled widely at the girl. She nodded and exited the car. 

              "Where are we by the way?" Lana questioned. She stretched her arms over her head and yawned deeply. Her shoulders shook. Her question hung suspended in the air for a little while until she heard the snap of the trunk. She whipped around to see a giddy Jack, complete with a giggle and an adjustment of his hair, he held up a tote bag of what she presumed to be food in his left hand. 

             "No way! You did not!" She covered her mouth with hand and her dark eyes widened. Jack just kept on smiling.

              "Oh yeah I did, and that boat over there, is mine. You up for a little night ride?"

              "Hell yeah I am... especially if food is involved!"

Just got back to school so updates may be a tiny bit slower loves :)

-author <3

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