Chapter 8

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Edgar's pov

We fell asleep on the couch and the next day he persuade me to go meet his mother.

We got in his car - after I picked clothes for an hour, because I wanted to look good. "we arrived" he realized how nervous I was and held my hand "she is gonna love you" he kissed my forehead.

Then he quickly got out and I was too stand to move, as I saw him running toward my side of the car. He opened my door and lent me his hand.

I love it when he touches my hand. I laughed at his behavior "what?"

"You are so clingy, Fang" he looked at me confused

"Am I?" he giggled.

We were already outside the door. He massaged my shoulders "you are going to wrinkle my clothes!" I shouted

"You will do just fine" he knocked on the door and it opened. I grabbed onto his hand tightly.

She put a hand on mine "so you young man are the one that Fang is going crazy about?" she pinched my cheek.

"mom!" I heard him yell and closed the door.

"I'm Edgar" I smiled at her

"oh I see! The one you thought was cool?" she looked behind me.

He face palmed "Perfect! Thanks mom" he said ironically.

"don't mind him" I extended my hand to make a handshake "I don't bite. Come here" she hugged me. I let go of Fang and hesitately hugged her back.

I let go first, since I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable "can he stay with us? He is like my child now"

I looked confused to my side where Fang was. He smiled at me "only if he wants to"

"I do!" I said quickly

"should we go pick your stuff up later?" I nodded

"I still haven't got a proper hug" I jumped into his arms

"You guys have to eat something before you leave" we sat at the dining table and then got everything from my apartment at their house. After I talked with the supervisor of the house of course (lol I don't remember what they are called)

Back to my new home I unpacked my stuff with some help. "goodnight mom" Since it was already night by then we went to sleep.

Fang's mom's pov

When the boys went to bed, I sat on the couch watching TV. But I got tired and closed it, while heading into my room.

I heard them laugh and I peaked through the door. They were cuddling with each other. Fang was tickling Edgar which caused the laugh.

I smiled since my kid had found the one he loved. And thankfully he is sweet. I couldn't help but to take him in as if he were my own.

Fang has been talking about him nonstop when he was a bit younger. He just wanted to be friends but I knew that he would have a crush on him sooner or later.

The end 🤧 ( we love supportive parents)

battle between usOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora