Chapter 15: Together Forever

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[Tree Of Life]

It was the next day, everyone decide to plan for Kion and Rani coronation at sunset for being the next Ruler Of the Tree Of Life. Queen Janna was about to give a speech to the animal of the Tree Of Life as all the animal gathered around.

Janna: I gather you all here today at Tree Of Life to give you all a speech!

Everyone was wondering what will Queen Janna is going to said.

Janna: All animal I am here to announced that I would be dropping my role to the next Ruler Of The Tree Of Life.

Every Animal was shocked for the sudden announcement.

Janna: The next Ruler of The Tree Of Life would be my princess Rani and her mate Kion!

As they step forward revealing themselves to everyone.

Janna: The coronation for Kion and Rani to become the next Ruler will be on sunset, please be there for their coronation!

Everyone left the speech, while the rest are setting up the coronation. Rani headed over to her grandmother Janna feeling worried.

Rani: Grandmother Janna?

Janna: Yes my princess?

Rani: Can me and Kion go talk somewhere private?

Janna: Sure my princess!

Kion and Rani went somewhere privately.


They went on a hill to have a conversation about their future.

Kion: Rani.

Kion: Why are we here?

Rani: I want to talk to you about something.

Kion: So what you want to talk about?

Rani: Are you nervous?

Kion: Nervous about what?

Rani: Being the next Ruler.

Kion: I mean I seen my sister practise to be a Queen before!

Rani: I don't think I ready...

Kion: Well is almost time...

Rani look down feeling nervous.

Kion: Don't worry I here too!

As he nuzzle her.

Rani: Thank You Kion!

Rani: Hey Kion?

Kion: Yes Rani!

Rani: We look cute together don't you think!

Kion: Yeah we do!

They started singing.

Rani: How are we so different, and still so much the same!

Kion: Why do I start smiling, when I hear your name!

Rani: At time you could be, a reflection of me!

Kion: Still there something deeper!

Kion & Rani: More than what we see!

Kion and Rani: Coincidence MeetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant