Chapter 6: Planning

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Simba was walking into the Pride rock telling the good news to everyone.

Simba: Everyone! *Happy*

Nala: What Simba?

Kiara: What happen?

Simba: Kion is alive!

Everyone gasped in shock.

Nala: WAIT HE ALIVE! *Shocked*

Bunga: HOW? *Shocked*

Fuli: Wait! how did you know that?

Simba: There was a owl came to the Pride Land and she said that Kion is at the Tree Of Life!

Rafiki: Oh The Tree Of Life!!

Kiara: You know that place?

Rafiki: The Tree Of Life is a place where animal seek for healing! That where i first meet Makini!

Ono: So the river might have carried Kion to the Tree Of Life.

Rafiki: Precisely!

Simba: Right now Kion is healing!

Kiara: Can we go meet him?

Simba: I afraid not!

Nala: Why?

Simba: Zira and her pride is back at the outland!

Everyone except Simba: She back!

Simba: Yes! So is dangerous if we go to Tree Of Life now!

Simba: We defeat Zira first than we can go see Kion!

Everyone agreed to Simba suggestion.

[Tree Of Life]

It was a new day Kion was about to wake up to start off his day.

Kion: *Yawned*

Kion feel his throat being dried so he decided to go drink some water.

Kion went to Pratibimba to drink some water as he reach there he met someone.

Kion: Morning you two!

Nirmala & Rani: Morning Kion!

Kion: What are you both doing here?

Rani: Just enjoying the view!

Kion: Ohok.

As he came over and drink some water.

Nirmala: So Kion! Are you ready for the next part of the healing?

Kion: Yes i am.

Nirmala: Go to that Tree over there!

As she point at the tree.

Kion: Ok

Nirmala: I'll be there in a minute!

Kion start walking to the Tree.

Nirmala: Just say it! *Chuckle*

Rani: Say what? *Confused*

Nirmala: Your in love with him aren't you?

Rani: No...

As she start blushing

Nirmala: Is pretty obvious that your in love with him!

Rani: How did you know? *Shocked*

Kion and Rani: Coincidence MeetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang