Akin contemplated telling his client of his current position. "Red is dead, guy. Everything is fücked up now," he took a drag, "It was an accident sha. Believe me. So now I'm on my own, I've got no place to stay. You know the rule. Bro, my smartphone died days ago. You're lucky to get through to me now sef. I picked up this phone from somewhere. If the work no be stressful I go run am for you on two conditions."

"Omo things happen but don't worry, anything you need I've got your back. I trust you."

Akin was skeptical.

"I need a place to crash for some time. Don't know how long and no one must know about my whereabouts. Cool?"

"Cool...cool. I need a real hard guy for this mission o. No slacking."

"I be small guy before? No vex me this afternoon."

"Sorry, sorry. I'll send you my current location, make we link up then go to the place from there." He hung up.

A moment later his phone pinged.

The address led to a busy market. Lagos markets are known for its crookedness and crowding, even on a Sunday. Looking beyond the flatter of items to buy he could see clearly the clueless people being extorted and swindled, pickpocketed, ignorant shop owners being stolen from when their backs were turned and young boys moving wheelbarrows singing along to the song blasting from the speakers at the bus station.

This is the hustle of the day. "Man must chop." As they say.

Akin waved at him from afar. Client G sat in front of an electronic shop trying to vibe a lady but waved her off once he arrived. The girl grumbled and walked away.

"What's up? You ready?" He dapped him up. "But first let's get you settled in."

"I still don't know the details of whatever this is." Akin said. He chewed on a mentos gum to hide his smoky breath.

"I got you. Trust me." In the streets trust is the one thing that's hard to give away.

After haggling a fair price from the motorbike driver they left the market and headed into the city. It was a fifteen minute drive back. His client paid then led him up the elevator of the building.

The inside had a large foyer with a huge plasma screen television that had a gaming console next to it, along with several laptops and computer gear. There was a dining area merged with the kitchen along with three bedrooms and two balconies. Light shades of paint have been used everywhere adding to the beauty of the apartment.

"This is my place," he tossed the key on the glass center table, then walked into the kitchen to pour two glasses of whiskey for his guest and himself. "You're welcome to stay as long as you like, till you can get your own space of course. No rush." Client G said, handing him his glass which he drank quickly. Akin had trouble remembering his real name but didn't care to ask.

"This place looks like it costs millions." A flat sitting in the middle of the finest sides Lagos mainland had to offer.

Client G was a certified Yahoo boy, a term given to scammers and fraudsters who went to extreme lengths to make money. Client G was ready to do anything if it guaranteed him money in his pocket. You could tell by the look in his eyes and the way he smiled. Beginning from his teenage years he'd developed a sociopathic behavior many couldn't detect and it made him lose any sense of remorse or morals he had.

He flashed Akin a grin. "You're not a saint yourself."

Akin decided to be wary of the guy standing in front of him.

"Here's the guest room. Rest up. We're having a briefing tonight."


"Me and a few of my trusted inner circle members."

He wondered what exactly was the nature of this job his client was so happy and well prepared for.

He shrugged. "No qualms. Thanks for helping me out." When client G left to attend to other things he opened his bag to make sure everything he had was intact. As expected his stolen supplies had finished, and he was only left with some of the cash he stole. Twenty million naira.

He'd have to scope the area out for quick exit points in case the need arose for him to make a quick getaway.

In the meantime Akin stashed his bag in the bathroom cabinet.

He would have to ask client G for the key later.

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