Spa Day

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I never like leaving things unfinished, especially when it comes to my clan. Paperwork is boring and long, but it's what I have to do to make sure everything is tied together. Keeping my clanmates from fighting too much is hard too, a small argument is a good way to express different opinions. But a physical fight is another thing.

I love my clan, them being like a family to me. Sometimes too much.

Bone and Mac came into my office this morning, and by the looks on their faces, my right hand and clan's honorary member were concerned for me. Why? I can't tell.

"Shadow? When's the last time you slept?" Mac had a gentle voice for a large, monstrous rabbit. But I answered anyway.

"Since yesterday? Or the power nap I had an hour ago?" I took a sip from the coffee I had on my desk, my mug saying, 'I hate Mondays'.

Bone came over and forced me out of my chair. "My leader, as much as I respect you, you need rest. Me and Mac have booked you for a few days at a bathhouse in the spirit world."

I blinked and sighed. "I still have work to do, Bone. I can't just drop everything."

Mac put on a serious face before opening a portal. "Well, you get no choice. Me and Bone will handle everything here." With that they pushed me through the portal.

I landed on my feet and grunted in exhaustion but sucked it up and walked through the stalls in the spirit world. It was mostly restaurants, and many on the spirits stared at me but I didn't care. They only looked away after seeing my unique eyes.

Now, when fully human, my eyes look blind but they function just as well as anyone else. But when I want to, I can let some of my wendigo blood show by making my eyes gold and black. It's surprising to normal people, but it makes me comfortable.

Once I reached the bathhouse some workers were at the bridge, they were greeting both newcomers and regulars. But once they saw me, they looked in shock.

"A human?! Go! Get Yubaba!" The worker who gave the order stood in front of Shadow as he glared. "You're not welcome here, leave!"

I actually found this amusing; most spirits would feel what I really was even in human form. My eyes being a dead giveaway, but magic creatures and spirits no matter the rank would automatically know what I am. So, I found this both funny and entertaining.

"I believe I have a reservation here. My friend booked it, should be under either Mac or Shadow."

The worker didn't listen at all, taking out a closed fan and striking me in the cheek. But the impact made the fan break in half. "Huh? What?"

An old woman soon came out and tried to shoo me away too. "You shouldn't be here! You-!" Seems she saw my eyes and felt my now deadly aura. "You're not human."

"Not in the slightest, you sorry excuse of a witch." I let my body shift and grow, letting every spirit at the entrance see a form I rarely let out.

My Berserker Mode.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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