The Monster

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Nick got to work researching what Wesen could have been from that story Shadow was telling them. So far, no book in the trailer had any useful information about it. 

Hank soon came in with Monroe to help, Hank brought his computer hoping the internet would have an answer. "None of the books have an answer. What does the internet say?" 

Hank shook his head and turn his laptop to his partner showing a drawing of a creature with a deer's skull for a head. It had fur on its neck going down its back and all over its tail, the monster's ribs were also sticking out over the skin. "All I found was this Native American legend. The creature is called a Wendigo, they are said to be able to control the weather and eat people." 

Monroe shook his head and told the two more. "In Wesen folktale, they also ate Grimms and Wesen." 

Hank turned his screen back to himself. "These things ate Grimms?" 

The wolf man nodded and explained more. "These things were considered not alive or dead, so they were said to be immune to a Grimm's weapons and abilities." 

Nick then jumped in. "Wait if a person was a Wendigo, I wouldn't be able to see it?" 

Monroe shook his head and then something bumped into the trailer, rocking it back and forth. "Woah! What the heck?!" 

A screech then pierced their ears making them cover them, it was so loud it nearly blew out their eardrums. Soon whatever the creature was it left making the three men heave with slight panic. 

"What was that?" They went outside and saw large claw marks on the concrete outside the trailer, and that symbol was there too. Carved into the ground by this monster's claws. 

A growl was heard across the street and looking out Nick could see two glowing, gold orbs floating eleven feet off the ground. 

They just stayed there until a streetlamp flickered on and off, giving the three a glimpse of the creature. It was just like the picture Hank showed them, but the symbol it keeps leaving is on its head between its eye sockets. The line that was attached to it went down to the creature's chin, and the symbol was in deep red. 

The lamp flickered off again and when it came back on the creature was gone. 

"You both saw that, right?" Monroe was panicking on the inside. "Yeah, we both saw it." 

Back home Shadow came through the back door and went up to her room, she sat down at her desk and began typing on her computer. She was on Wattpad, writing a chapter for a story when she got a message from her friend, Macy Hamato or otherwise known as Readingirl0032. 

Readingirl0032: Hey girl, how've you been?

Shadow: Been good, was kidnapped for a hot minute but I'm good now.

Readingirl0032: You were kidnapped?! What happened?! Are you ok?!

Shadow: I'm fine, I got saved. Anyway, it's nearly the middle of the night here.

Readingirl0032: Sorry, I was just wondering who Maddie should date. 

Shadow: How about Cole? He seems down to earth. ;)

Readingirl0032: Very funny. Well, thanks for the idea, I'll see you tomorrow. 

Shadow: See you.

Shadow then got off the computer and got in bed. She was tired from everything that happened but wasn't expecting to have company the next day. 

Shadow came downstairs to hear her mom talking to Nick and Hank as Toby walked up to her for pets. The teen greeted the dog and stepped into the dining room. 

"Morning." Nick greeted the teen along with Hank. "I'm surprised you don't need Toby to help you around the house." 

Shadow shook her head. "I know where everything is inside the house, Toby guides me when I'm outside, so I don't get hurt." She sat down and her mom placed some strawberry pancakes in front of her. Shadow dug in as the adults talked. 

"So, you want to know about a legend my daughter told you about?" Hank nodded and placed a printed picture on the table, and it made the woman freeze in fear. "What do you know about-." 

The woman took the photo and tore it to shreds before shushing the detectives. "If you say the name of this creature, you'll summon it." 

Nick nodded and asked about it. "Okay, what can you tell us about it?" 

Shadow listened as she felt around for the cup of orange juice, Hank ended up handing it to her. "To other people, it's the Native American version of a zombie. But those of my heritage know different, they are built to be the apex predator to humans. They can hear a heartbeat from miles away, and with their long legs can run to it at a speed that would seem impossible." 

Shadow's mom took a breath before continuing. "They also have a tendency to mimic a loved one's voice to lure their prey to them, they can even control a person's mind to some extent. Have either of you read Pet Semetary by Stephan King?" 

The detectives shook their heads no. "Well, there's a place in the book that is said to be Native land, and if you bury any dead corpse there it will come back to life. But instead of the normal good-natured way they were, they were twisted in the head and were evil. Heck, there was a long stretch of road there too that trucks would zoom past on and kill both animals and people. They say they were under some influence." 

Nick looked at Hank, who was jotting things down. "Only a lucky few survive these creatures or escape at all. But after they do their memory of the encounter is sometimes erased." 

The two detectives thanked her for telling them and left the cozy home. 

After they were out of the house, Shadow's mom looked at her daughter with a scolding look. "Do you want to be hunted?" 

Shadow rolled her eyes and continued to eat her pancakes. "They said our name last night, I had to give them a warning. Besides, I did a good job at stocking the fridge the other day." 

Shadow's mom sat back down and sighed. "I'll never understand teenagers." 

Shadow lifted her head to look at her mother and smirked showing sharp teeth behind her lips. "Relax, even if they knew it, they wouldn't remember."

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