"You should have informed me a few days earlier....That would make things easier."

Ring ring ring ring!*

Hearing his phone ringing,the commander reaches out his hand:


"It's me again.I'm just calling you to inform you that your family is now under protection at Bana Military Airbase.And...what do you call him?..."James Wilson",his parents are in Oured center as well."

"Good,so I don't need to be concerted about their safety anymore?"

"Yes,I could say so.However,are you sure that your squadron only has one person that had a family in Osea?"

"Yes,they rest are non-Osean.Now please,if things are done,I need to call a person."


"Mr,Houston,the phone-"

"I heard it"

At noon,when the sun shines right on top of the United States Pacific Command Center,the hasty Americans are still working on their way preparing to send their second carrier fleet on a commission toward Osean water.After receiving the command all the way from Los Angeles,Hawaii had sent out 80% of its force ready to intercept any Osean plane that potentially threatens their bases.

At that moment,a ringing came from the phone on the table of Pacific Naval Commander Jimmy Houston,who picked up the phone immediately,like he had been waiting for this moment to come:

"Mr. Houston...."

"Yes,Albert,I have been informed about the situation in the Federation."

"Glad I don't have to explain everything.....anyhow....Do the United States have any intention of intervening in the situation?Which side would you all pick?I'm deeply concerned about the American plan in Osea."


Upon hearing such a question, Houston began questioning Caster:

"Unfortunately,the coup has begun for only less than a day.Even if I had any information,why did you think that's not classified?And why would I tell you the truth anyway?There's no particular reason for it."

"Sorry...it's just....forget it.I am concerned whether or not I should send my fleet back to's not a favorable choice being an American enemy,am I correct?"

"I see your point.Let me think...if any information is allowed for the Osean,I would come to inform you as soon as possible.Are you okay with that?"

The other side took many seconds to consider,but Long Caster eventually said:

"I got it,thank you very much."

Then,Vladivostok ended the phone call.But Houston is still there,holding the phone for a few minutes,before getting back to work.


<<Aerolancer 1 calling Aerolancer 1,do you see anything over there?It's quite big>>

Close to Osea sea territory,a squadron of F-22s from Hawaii is on their patrol shift,when the leader of the squadron detects a movement on the horizon.

<<I do see it,a ship,perhaps?It sailing,so not a plane.Yeah,you're right,look how big it is...definitely Osean stuff...>>

<<Yeah,probably an Osean ship.We have came to the point that massive sailing fortress is a normal thing in our life now....Anyhow,Aerolancer 1 to all aircrafts,split up and fly in finger four formation.>>

As the Osean carrier slowly approaches them,the F-22s change their formation and are ready to confront the carrier,in case of being aimed at as the targets.Meanwhile,the carrier,detected their movement,also passively send out a radio connection toward the Raptors:

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