Marina's lost love #4

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(note, this is about where it diverges from the real history)

To my dear marina,

The bombs have become evermore frequent, and the germans have gotten through the first 2 lines, it barely stopped them! The only thing slightly holding them back is what my friends are calling the rasputitsa. However, it makes it impossible to go anywhere outside of the bunker.

The rations have gotten worse, all we have is canned bacon, and rock hard bread if we're lucky. The closest thing we have had to a good meal is that time someone caught a rabbit. All the water is brown, and the vodka is scarce. Although i was able to save a bit for a Molotov cocktail, I've heard those fins invented them while they were besieging Leningrad.

The roof of our little dugout has caved in, it killed maxim and a few others in the section, heck, we're almost all stuck in this place. All the buildings around us collapsed, giving us a little space. We named it fort Maxim, after our sergeant.

On the bright side, we got a few reinforcements here, there's this guy named Nanuk, who arrived yesterday. He was actualky the one that shot the rabbit. He doesn't speak any russian, but he's pretty nice, and resourceful. He has this fancy bearskin outfit, so we all call him bear.

Anyway, the sun's about to go down, so I can't write for too long. I got the heart you made, I keep it with me every day. Thanks a lot for it Marinshuka

From me, to you,


To my sweetheart at homeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz