Chemical Cakes (Gerard's Ass)

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I'm not narcissistic, I'm just really excited okay?

I just really want Gerard Way funko pops.

Anyway, bitch, there's cakes too. I'll more than likely not get one but I don't care. I never have birthday parties anyway because I have no friends in real life and i never had. Im so gay anf lonely😢

*clears throat* anyway, there's a foncy one,

But bitch I want Pepe on there too😭I'm a basic bitch, I like vanilla with vanilla frosting

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But bitch I want Pepe on there too😭
I'm a basic bitch, I like vanilla with vanilla frosting.

I would get pistachio, but I don't think anyone would eat that except me.
And I don't really wanna gain 30 pounds from a mcr cake on my birthday.

I kind of want a cake that says "YOU SUCK COCK, BOB BRYAR!" But my family would be extremely concerned.

I feel like themed birthday cakes are cringe but idgaf, you only turn 100 once🙄

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