Start from the beginning

After for a while, you broke the hug and sat down properly. Taehyung also sat up straight and looked at their brothers, while they are winked at him. His eyes widened and he glared at them with 'what's wrong' look but they started laughing at Taehyung's expressions with a hand over their mouth. it didn't unnoticed by you... You covered your face with your hands because you blushed like a red tomato.
After some time. You heard a girl screaming loudly. You already knows who's that girl. It's your Unniee 'Sana'

Your Pov:

As I was sitting there sobbing. I heard a girl shouting loudly that echoed through the hallway. There she is my Big sister Sana...! When I saw her face that's it I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I rushed to her while crying.

"My puppy....!!!" Sana said while hugging me tightly, "Sana Unniee" I hugged her even more tightly while crying hardly. Me and Sana started crying while hugging tightly. The boys also started feeling sad. Taehyung just observing us with his unknown emotion expression while sitting on the chair with crossed arms and legs. Me and sana sat on the chair without breaking the hug. I sat on between Taehyung and Sana.

While I didn't let her go....! crying even more hardly cause I need this comfort soo much right now. After a while she broke the hug and cupped by cheeks while wiping my tears, "What happened Puppy huh...? first calm down okay?!?" She said while comforting me like a mother, ohhh godd!! I loved her soo much, she is the best. I told her everything that happened today. Sana also got very angry after hearing the whole thing. "What happened to that guy?!" she asked me I signed her with my eyes she nodded her head and again gave me a tight hug.

Then suddenly a bunny guy stand infront of us making us to look at him with confused eyes, "You know, what she did to that man?!?" he asked with excited tone, "I don't know that's why I asked her ?!?" she retorted back while rolling her eyes, makes everyone laughed, that bunny guy face turned red I think he didn't expect this answer from her, I chuckled at his expression he looks soooo cute...!!

"Hey just listen okay!! She lifted up and threw him down and gives more more punches on his face." he said mimicking my action.... Aaaah this muscle bunny indeed adorable. Then sana cupped my cheeks, "Is that true puppy..? Well good job he deserve it." she asked me I nodded then she immediately gave me high five, that's my girl.....!

After listening to her words. Everyone looked at both of us strangely yet amused. While me and sana again hugged eachother. Jungkook spoke again. "That's not the case !! She tore the cloth of her dress and tied his hands to a nearby pillar. It's sooooo cool you know??!" he gives me thumbs up then I too give him with small smile, Ahh I like this bunny smile....!

Everyone looked at me at once which makes my cheeks turned to red, Everyone laughed after seeing my face I think I looked like a mess, But I felt that there's some intense gaze on me, I turned my face to the side to see who was looking at me with those gaze and that is Taehyung, He was still staring at me without blinking with expressionless look, I'm looking at his eyes more and more, then sana called me out then I immediately broke the eye contact with him... Ahhh his eyes looks like galaxy but why there is no emotion in his eyes??, I mumbled under my breath, then turned to sana's side, "Did you get hurt??" she asked me then I shook my head as no.


While I was talking to her the doctor came out of the Operation room. I asked him about grandma's condition. He said there was no danger and the operation is successful. After hearing that me and lisa cried loudly. Then Jin thanked the doctor.. Then again he said that we can see her after 2 hours, after listening his words we all bowed to the him then he left. Then me turned to the boys, they all looked at me confusingly.

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