Part 2. Chapter 1 Galactic Empire Ruling Council

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"Using hyperspace directly above the planet's surface?" Are you mad? There is not enough time for the ship to reduce its speed." Moff Hort said.

"We can only consider the speed of pseudomotion when the ship exits hyperspace, provided it is at zero relative speed. Therefore, we calculated that the ship must enter in a parallel position from the ground of the planet Ilum so that it has enough space to exit hyperspace without having to immediately dive upwards." Grand Admiral Palleon said. "We have already conducted experiments with the Corelian Corvette and TIE Fighter, with successful results."

"If so, a few small ships can be sent to infiltrate Starkiller Base and destroy part of the planetary shield, so that we can conduct a full invasion." Grand Moff Serreti said.

"That's right. We should send several small ships in 2 or 3 waves to guarantee success. Then we can send a battlefleet to destroy the installation." Kaskus said.

"We should also bring enough fighters to protect those ships. We could potentially utilise TIE Droids, given their superior precision compared to human control." Moff Hort said.

"According to the test results, the fighter is easier to do, and the allowance for margin of error is high, so we can use a TIE Fighter with hyperdrive." Palleon said. "We will use manned and unmanned TIE Fighters that will be carried by capital ships to a rendezvous point outside the Ilum star system," said Grand Admiral Palleon.

"Alright, if it has been tried, then we will do it that way. But we must provide a support fleet at the rendezvous point as a backup in case there are enemy capital ships in Ilum's orbit," said Moff Hort.

Everyone present nodded in agreement about that.

"I guess we all agree on that." Grand Admiral Palleon said. "In the meantime, I will order the evacuation of the Bastion, especially the leadership of the Galactic Empire."

"Alright, we will send a battlefleet to Ilum." Kaskus said.

"We will prepare our infiltration force. We request permission to use the Dark Trooper DT-1 owned by the Alliance." Palleon said.

"We allow the use of the Dark Trooper DT-1." Kaskus said.

"I will try to contact the Resistance," Bamos said.

"By the way, we are calling this operation 'Silent Dart'. Do you all agree?" asked Grand Admiral Palleon.

"We don't mind, it's just a code name after all. That is your prerogative." Bamos said.

As a result, the Council had made a decision and would implement it. The meeting ended.




Office of Grand Admiral Palleon

Grand Moff Serreti and Grand Admiral Palleon gathered after the Empire Ruling Council meeting to discuss the infiltration force to be sent to Ilum.

"The ship we are most likely to send is the Raider class corvette. It's small enough to make a hyperspace jump directly into the planet's atmosphere. It's also large enough to carry dark troopers and elite troops to attack the installation," Serreti said.

"It can also carry fighters for air cover. Maybe an Automatic Fighter Droid, an AD-1 from the Alliance. We could bring enough to confuse the First Order forces there. We can replace the TIE Fighter with an AD-1." Palleon said.

"That's right, don't forget the Alliance's dark trooper. For the Raider Class, if I'm not mistaken, we have 8 Raider II Covettes that happened to be at the Bastion. Hopefully, that will be enough." Serreti said.

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