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chosen girl
emma golbach x harry potter
prologue |

Emma sat down in a chair opposite the boy with messy dark hair, offering a hand. "Emma Golbach. I'm new to all this."

The boy smiled and shook it. "Harry Potter, I feel the same."

Emma's face lit up. "Wait really? I'm from America so I don't understand this much, as well as my Dad is magic!"

Harry laughed. "I could tell, the accent. And parents were magic but they died, I was raised by my aunt and uncle. They don't like magic so I didn't know."

Emma's nose screwed up. "I guess my Uncle Colby is a fair bit better than yours..."

"I know," Harry huffed.

They both smiled at each other.

"Golbach, Emma!"

Emma stepped forward and sat down, glancing at Harry in fear. He gave her a smile and thumbs up. She closed her eyes as the hat began to sort her.

A Muggleborn, raised by a father and uncle. Paranormal Investigator? Loyal, very much. You are ambitious but smart, kind but fiesty. You could fit-

A memory popped into Emma's head. Stepping up to be locked in a haunted basemefor one of the videos.

Very, very courageous. That settles it...


Emma grinned and jumped off the stool, running to her house.

And Harry joined her.

She side-hugged him, confused as why he flinched. "You okay?"

He nodded. "I...I don't get hugs."

Emma smirked. "Let me be the one to show you affection, Harry Potter!"

And so she embraced him tightly.

April speaks:
Emma is my favourite name stg

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