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Their next shift. It's a 12hr night shift. We get called to a str!p club.
Owen: All right Paul Marjan, Mateo work the crowd. See if you can treat some of these people, to lighten the load in medical. Ev...
Ev: Yes sir.
Owen: Check the champagne room. Always something bad going on up there.
Tk: How would you know that?
Owen: That is not important. Make a hole, make a hole.
Tk: Excuse us, Excuse us.
There was nothing in the champagne room and the rest of the night is quiet. Its our next shift a dreaded 24hr shift. I'm up top of the truck washing it.
Tk: Strickland!!
Paul: Yo!!
Tk: You got a visitor.
Paul: what?
I get on with cleaning the truck whilst Tk comes up to " help me." I see Paul and a woman talking. No big deal... right? Wrong, the woman hands Paul a basket and makes sure he knows her number is inside. Tk and Mateo start cherring him on me I just retreat from the truck and go for a shower.  We go on lots more calls and Paul seems so happy about his new lady friend, I might be a tiny bit jealous. After shift I go to the store get a tub of ice cream and sit at home eating ice cream and watching Netflix alone. Our next shift medical gets called but a little bit later so do we, ambulance 126 has crashed.
Owen: Alright hazmat protocols everybody. BAs go on and stay on. Marjan get the detector. Mateo, Ev, Tk get the extraction equipment. Offficer Reyes.
Carlos: Yes sir?
Owen: Clear those people out now.
Carlos: Yes sir.
Owen: Looks like they're still breathing.
Judd: What do you think, its carbon monoxide?
Marjan: Its not detecting any CO. Some kind of sulfate, 500 PPM.
Owen: Wheres it coming from?
Marjan: I think ots coming from him.
Michelle: it is.
Owen: All right everybody, let's secure this patient and get her out of there.
Michelle: Captain, I'd appreciate if you start with my team first. He won't mind he's dead.
Tk: I've got Tim up front, gonna need some back up.
Owen: Paul go with Tk, Ev your medical certificates still in date?
Ev: Yes sir.
Owen: Then your primary care for Nancy, We will help you as much as you can.
Ev: Okay Judd, Cap help me get her out of here, 1, 2, 3. Put her down over here. Pass me that oxygen mask. Bp is a little low but she did sustain a small head injury. Pulse is weak but getting better.
Tk: Tim's doing a while lot better. Do you need help?
Michelle: No she's got it, what next Ev?
Ev: Get her to the hospital.
Judd: Another medical team pulling up now.
Ev: Woman in her early 30's pulse is getting stronger by the minute and bp is holding, has a small head injury on the right side of her head.
Paramedic: Thanks, we got it from here.
Nancy, Tim and Michelle are taken to the hospital we head back to the firehouse. We went home had some rest and now its another 12 hour night shift. We get called to a fire in a factory.
Owen: Dispatch tell medical we have civilians on scene and to prep for minor injuries.
All of a sudden there's an explosion.
Tk: What the hell man woah.
Owen: All right, everyone, fall back! Fall back!! Judd!! Woah, woah hey, take a breath. You all right? You okay?
Judd: Yeah, i'm good. I'm good to go.
Mateo: Take cover!!
Owen: Dispatch we have explosions and steel cans raining down on us. What exactly do they store in this facility?
Grace: Its a breeding facility, captain. Ranchers take their cows their to be artificially inseminated. So my guess is bull stuff.
Owen: Bull stuff?
Mateo: Get down!
I hear Mateo but I dont see the can coming towards me until its too late I accept fate there's no way I can get out of the way now, im pushed to the ground hard just as the can lands a little way from my feet.
Paul: Ev, you good? You okay?
Ev: Yeah in alright, thankyou.
Owen: Paul, Ev you two good?
Paul&Ev: Yes cap.
Tk: What the hell are those things?
Owen: Hot loads of bull stuff.
Judd just starts laughing.
Judd: Oh, hey welcome to Texas!!
Ev: He has lost his mind.
Grace: Captaun the owner of the facility says that there's a customer stuck in the storage room.
Owen: Roger that.
Mateo: Captain no!!!
Owen: All right. We got somebody trapped on there Tk, Marjan, Paul, Ev get on those lines now! Mateo, you're the spotter.
Mateo: The spotter sir?
Owen: Yes!
Mateo: Theres another one!
Owen: Just like that. Hey! Are you good to go?
Judd: Hell yeah, im good to go. Laughs.
Owen: You think its funny?
I see judd and Owen talking a little bit longer but I can't hear them no more. They head towards the building. They come out a little bit later with some man screaming for Jericho.
Ev: This is the craziest thing I have ever seen.
Marjan: I've seen crazier.
Mateo: Incoming!!!
We pack it all up and head back to the fire House, the test of the night is quiet. We come off shift and I can't stop thinking about last night and Paul. The truth is since the silo things have been different between us and now he's going on this date tonight and I can't help it my jealousy is spiraling out of control. Its the next shift me Tk and Paul are on the kitchen im reading my book whilst Paul and Tk are having a private chat.
Tk: Hey.
Paul: Whats up.
Tk: Want me to make tou a coffee?
Paul: Thanks.
Tk: Espresso?
Paul: Sure.
Tk: Here you go.
Paul: Oh thank you.
I go off into my book but I do listen to the conversation until I see the same woman and she asks Paul for a talk.
Ev: Whats that about?
Tk: Me him and Mateo were talking the other day, he was telling is some of the fears to do with meeting a woman and being trans. We told him he should just tell her, im gonna guess it didn't go well.
Ev: Oh, poor man. Wish there was something we could do.
Paul comes back and doesn't even take his espresso he just goes upstairs.
Tk: I got an idea, you in?
Ev: Depends on the idea.
Tk: Me, You, Him, Carlos a gay club i know you're bi and maybe he'll pull.
Ev: You know what screw it i'm in.
Tk: Great let me call Carlos, tonight after work?
Ev: Your lucky I keep a dress in my locker.
Once our shift is over I change into my dress and head for the car park I join Tk and Carlos at Carlos's car.
Paul: Hey you three, whats going on?
Tk: We're waiting on you.
Paul: Me? Why?
Tk: 'Cause you're coming out with is tonight.
Paul: Uh, no.
Ev: We're serious Paul. We're not taking no for an answer.
I walk round the other side of the car and get in the back.
Paul: Okay, we're not going bowling, though, are we?
Tk: No.
Tk gets in the back as well at the other side.
Paul: So, uh, I guess he told you about me.
Carlos: What, that you're straight? Yeah. I dont judge.
We get to the gay club and the music is very loud and it is packed to the brim.
Paul: Ya'll sure we're still in Texas?
Carlos: Ha.
Tk: Mm-hmm.
Carlos: I wouldn't stereotype if I were you, man.
Paul: Good point.
Tk: Keep Austin wierd, baby.
Me and Paul mingle with a couple of people but if I'm being honest there only one person I wanna take home with me tonight. As the night drawsto an end we start thinking about leaving. Carlos drives us home I get out at Paul's telling them that my place is just a block away from here. They seem to believe us so we say our goodbyes.
Paul: Ev, can we talk?
I plough my lips into his in a heated kiss, we make our way inside. Our clothes are off before we even get to his room. I'm thrown on the bed gently as Paul hovers over me. One of the best nights of my life. Afterwards we are both laid there panting heavily already practically asleep.
Ev: We can talk another time.
Me and Paul drift off to sleep in eachother arms, I missed this.

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