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After their last shift.
Judd: So I'll give you my address and meet you there?
Marjan: Why don't you just take her with you? Seems silly her paying for an uber when your both going to the same place.
Judd: You don't drive?
Ev: I have my licence but I only just was able to pay for all the lessons and tests, so I'm now saving up again for a car.
Judd: Oh right then yeah come and get in the truck.
Ev: Does Grace know im coming? You two are still together right?
Judd: Yes we are im not that much of an idiot.
Ev: Good to hear it. So does she know im coming?
Judd: No I thought we could surprise her, I have told her that we have a visitor coming for dinner so she knows that. I didn't know you were thinking of putting yourself through the academy.
Ev: Being a firefighter is in our blood and hey who knows maybe dad will go a little easier on me.
Judd: Right we're here come on we can talk about everything inside. Hey Gracie we have a visitor.
Grace: Well I got that from your text Judd who is it??
Judd: Hey No stop being a fairy and come in.
Grace: Evelyn Ryder!!! Arent you a sight for sore eyes.
Ev: Hey Gracie its good to see you too.
Judd: Did you know she's a firefighter? she's at the 126.
Grace: So now I have to look out for both of you whilst your on calls.
Ev: You don't have to.
Grace: Oh hush your family what else am I gonna do.
Judd: Lets just get into this why didn't you tell me you were a firefighter and putting yourself through the academy?
Ev: Why did you just stop talking to me 3 years ago?
Judd: Ev I dont have an excuse but you know you could have reached out too. I'm not trying to blame you your my little sister and its my job to look out for you and I didn't. I failed and I know it hurt you Ev and I will spend however long it takes making it up to you.
Ev: When your the only girl in a house of 5 boys and your the youngest you get used to defending yourself and being alone but you were the only one I thought I could rely on. I know you all blamed me for mums death but I didn't ask to be born.
Judd: Hey no don't say that, that was the one thing mum and dad got right with you, making you and yeah I did blame you for a little bit but then I realised that it wasn't your fault. Your my little sister and dad and our brothers might have blamed you but don't let them make you feel like that. I'm glad your alive and here today. I love you Ev, I do and I should say it more and I will.
Ev: I love you too Judd and maybe we can both work on talking to each other more.
Judd: So, Can you accept me back into your life?
Ev: I think I can if not for you then my sister in law.
Judd: Ahh how rude, alright come on get in here both my girls get in here.
Ev: Since when do you hug?
Judd: Hey its been a tough day, week, hell its been a bad year but the 3 of us are going to make it better.
After dinner Evelyn gets an uber to her apartment.
Ev: Good morning 126!!
Marjan: How are you that loud at 8am in the morning?
Paul: Morning family!!!
Mateo: Oh im out of here.
Paul: What did I miss?
Judd: You and my sister being way too loud for 8am in the morning.
Ev: At least its not just us someone else is very loud this morning.
Cap pulls up with his music blaring. We all get on with our chores.
Martinez: Hey whats up cap?
Owen: Sup 126!!
Tk: Little spring in your step there, cap. You get laid or something?
Ev: Why do you actively want to know that about you own dad?
Owen: I'm just feeling a little more at home in Austin. Found an organic food market. I found a vitamin shop that sells my fish oil supplements I like, a Core Power Yoga studio within walking distance. I mean, this place is like New York, with just alot less trash on the street.
Mateo: Here you go, cap. Mateo hands him a coffee as Owen passes him his car keys.
Paul: Hey you cut yourself cap?
Owen: Oh thats the other thing, I found a dermatoligist that follows the same hair protocalls as my guy in New York City.
Judd: You have hair protocols? I'm putting in for a transfer.
Ev: snickers.
Owen: Hey go ahead and laugh, but I'm convinced its the only reason I haven't lost my hair.
Paul: Hey im not trying to hit on anyone for taking advantage of science to level up.
Owen: So every 6 weeks, I get my scalp injectedwith a drug called finasteride. It promotes hair growth. I think its that combination of treatment and trauma that really makes your hair grow. I also use finasteride drops twice a day and then once at night orally. Also, its been great for my prostate health.
Ev: I am so done with this conversation I'm going to get a shower.
I only just get up there when the bells go off and we get called out.
Judd: Hey little sis how was your shower?
Ev: I will hurt you.
Everyone: Laughs.
On the scene.
Judd: Hey, this dont make no sense, because that glass should be tempered for hurricanes.
Owen: Oh no seen this back in the city. When people are committed, they'll find a way.
Tk: Judging by that forehead she was very committed.
Marjan: Or should have been.
Michelle: She's gone.
Ev: Whats going on up there?
Another body fall on a food kart.
Marjan: Ahhh!!
Mateo: Oh my god!!
Owen: Tk, Ev, assess him everyone else on me lets go find out whats going on.
Another body falls.
Ev: No pulse Cap nothing we can do for him.
Owen: We have to get up there right now, everyone!!! Tk hand him off to some more paramedics as soon as they get here and get up there.
Ev: No carbon monoxide. No sulfides.
Marjan: If this was airborne, there'd be 40 people down, not 9.
Marjan: Sir.
Ev: Okay get her off him.
JT: Help, Holly Shes turning.
Mccoy: Ma'am, Ma'am help I need some help over here.
Ev: Tim go with Michelle i got her.
Michelle: I think this might be a severe case of erethism. Mad Hatter's disease. 19th century hat makers really used to go insane because they handled small doses of Mercury. Handle a large dose, and--
Marjan: People go straight bird box.
Carlos: Sandra Bullock.
Tk: So why are some people down and not others?
Michelle: Thats the million dollar question, isn't it?
Ev: Marjan you need help?
Marjan: Would mind a little bit.
Judd: go sis I got her.
Owen: If you are feeling sick, speak up. No one leaves until special response clears you to go.
Paul: Who's quinoa is this?
A woman puts up her hand who is fine.
Carlos: Why do I feel like he's doing a thing?
Tk: Hes totally doing a thing.
Ev: A hot sexy thing. Is this why your dad asked him down here?
Mateo: Hey the guy who landed on the food kart, he's gonna survive, so thank god for overpriced pastries. Is he doing a thing?
Owen: uh-huh.
Paul: Whos juice is this?
Employee: Uhmm mine im on a cleanse, why?
Ev: Because your helping and your not feeling sick or anything?
Employee: Uhmm no.
Paul: Other guy let me see your hands.... what did you have for lunch?
Employee2: Skipped it big breakfast.
Owen: Wait for it.
Paul: I know who did this. Morelli's.
Carlos: Theres Mercury in these sandwiches.
A while later.
Driver: I'm looking for ladder 126, someone ordered a delivery?
Paul: Thay would be us boss.
Ev: Heard you had the best cookies in town.
Driver: Yeah, thats right.
Marjan: Other than the ones you laced with Mercury?
He goes to run off.
Carlos: put your hands up right now!! Put your hands up!
Once they have him in cuffs Carlos pulls a bottle of Mercury from the car.
Carlos: Why?
Driver: They never tip. Years, of treating me like im invisible, like im not a person. Well, they'll remember me now.
Ev: He is severely unhinged.
They finish their shift have a day off and now they are back on shift. The first call they get is to a fire.
Ellen: Oh bless your hearts for getting here so quick. I'm Ellen. Oh bless your hearts.
She shakes Judd's hand and Tk's hand but skips Marjan and Paul.
Owen: You called in a fire ma'am.
Ellen: Oh its right over here. Oh, you know, these people do not respect our country's laws. I guess we can't expect them to respect our city's either. Its right back here.
Marjan: These people?
Ev: I have a feeling I know exactly what she's on about.
We get there to see a small amount of smoke coming up from out the ground.
Ellen: There, see? I told you. They're putting the whole darn community at risk.
Tk: What is that, septic?
Judd: Hell septic never smelt so good. That's barbacoa.
Owen: What the hell is barbacoa?
Ev: Its a steak that you cook underground.
Judd: Oooffff.
Ev: Ooohh!!
Owen: you cook meat in the dirt here? That a thing?
Judd: Yeah. That's a thing, Mr. Open-minded.
Hector: Aww, hell no, Ellen. Who'd you call this time, you crazy lady?
Ev: Hey, Hey, hey, hey.
Ellen: Ooh, you better call the police. That man is unstable.
Hector: I'm unstable? your unstable.
Owen: Woah, Woah I think we have a misunderstanding here.
Hector: No I don't misunderstand anything. She may look like a sweet old lady, but she's an evil racist.
Ellen: Who you calling old?
Hector: Really? That's the part that upset you?
Ellen: I am not a racist. My gardener is Spanish.
Hector: She called the cops on us last week it was my daughters 10th birthday.
Ellen: They were waving around a bat.
Hector: At a piñata you twisted vieja.
Ellen: yes, I called the police, and I'm gonna keep calling until somebody does something.
Owen: You know what you dont have to call the police anymore because I'm making a citizens arrest.
Ellen: Oh good.
Owen: Put your hands behind your back.
Ellen: What? Me?
Ev: Snickers.
Paul: Burnnnnn.
Owen: Tk get the cuffs.
Tk: We don't have any cuffs, cap.
Marjan: Oh, im sure we could, uh, find sime zip ties.
Owen: Oh, that'll work just fine.
Marjan: Chavez??
Mateo: on it.
Ellen: Wait, now, hold on. I'm an American citizen.
Owen: Which is why you should know that making a nuisance 9-1-1 call is against the law. Paul, call APD. Tell them we're on our way down.
Paul: Yep.
Hector: Boom.
Ellen: I-I--
Tk: Ma'am?
Owen: Uh-oh.
Tk: Ma'am?
Ellen: My heart.
Tk: Ma'am are you all right? Ev I need your help.
Ellen: Dear Jesus.
Ev: Cap we can't take her to jail if she's having a heart attack.
Owen: I know. Marjan, take her BP.
Marjan: On it, cap.
Owen: Maybe giver her some mouth-to-mouth.
Ellen: Gasps. No! not her.
Marjan: So maybe your not having a heart attack?
Ellen: I am. I definately am! Can't you do it?
Owen: Not certified ma'am.
Ellen: Oh. How about him?
Tk: Sure, ma'am, but just so you know, I am a homosexual.
Ellen: Oh. Points towards Judd.
Judd: No, not certified.
Ellen: Well what about the other girl firefighter.
Ev: I could but I am bisexual.
Ellen: Oh, no, he can do it. I told you i am not a racist!! Your not a homosexual, are you?
Paul: Oh, no, ma'am. But I am trans though.
All: Chuckles.
Ellen: Take me to jail.
Back at the firehouse.
Mateo: I can't believe she wouldn't  let any of those certified do it.
Judd: I thought it was all over when she asked Ev. I didn't know you were bi.
Ev: Why would you?? I didn't tell you we had more prominent points to talk about at the dinner.
Judd: I'm now realising we need more of a catch up.
Paul: Ha you think.
The day goes by with a couple of calls and then they have the day off.
Paul: Hey Ev, saw you were looking for someone to help you decorate.
Ev: Yeah the apartment is abit outdated so.
Paul: I can come and help if you want I've got nothing more on, what about Judd though?
Ev: Already asked him, he's having a date day with Grace.
Paul: So I'll come round tomorrow?
Ev: Sound good thanks Paul, night everyone.
I was on my next shift this one was an overnighter. I was enjoying my slumber but we got called out to a possible gas leak. On the scene.
Tk: Methane's over 100,000 PPMs. We are one spark away from the biggest barbecue in Texas history.
Owen: Lets move fast. Get every apartment cleared out.
Tk: Excuse me ma'am. Right here. Come here. I'm gonna take you over here. Come on.
Paul: Lets go, folks. Game over.
Lad 1: Yo, what?
Ev: You heard him gotta evacuate. Come on hustle.
Paul: Hey, we said we gotta go. We gotta evacuate. Let's go now! Now!
Lad 2: All right we're leaving.
Ev: Come on lets go.
Lad 2: Bro come on.
Lad 1: Ok, we're going.
Paul: To the left.
Marjan: The guy just refuses to leave sir. The guys a total wack job cap.
Owen: We can't just leave him in there.
Marjan: Did I mention the gun?
Tk: Dad you're not gonna pull him out of his paranoid, irrational fantasy.
Owen: So maybe we step inside with him.
Ev: Are you serious?
Owen: Or you can go and help Mateo with the cats.
Ev: No im so in no one I'd rather go on a death sentence with.
Man: Who is it??
Owen: We're with the resistance. We need to get you out of here right now. Put this on. They have eyes everywhere. Other way, other way. There you go keep your head down sir.
Owen: Resistance, this is Alpha Team. Are we good for retrieval?
Judd: Uh, that's a big 10-4. The overlords are looking the other way cap.
Man: No, no, I forgot my O-locator. We have to go back.
Tk: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Man: Well, I need it to identify the overlords. Cause i-- without it, they could be anywhere, taking the form of anything!
Tk: Shh, shh, shh, shh. Detecting overlord vibrations. They're, they're coming from inside that apartment. Move! Move, move, move.
Man: We made it!!
Owen: Sure did.
The building explodes.
Man: The resistance will be forever grateful, for what you did today.
Ev: Okay that was a big no.
Back at the station. They finish off their shift and go off and do their own things.
Ev: You do realise if any one finds out we are never going to hear the end of it.
Paul: Yeah I know but I dont care, unless its Judd because he is going to kill me.

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