Snake in the grass

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Y/N: Alright so all of you want to hear what's been cracking recently?

Angel dust: I mean that's why we're all here apart from Charlie of course.

Husk: She must be fucked up in the head right now. The first hangover is always the worst hangover.

Y/N: Where do I start?....So you remember Adams army of exorcists right?

Doppio: You mean the ones that tried to kill us a few weeks back? Yeah that's pretty hard to forget.

Y/N: Turns out after Adam kicked the bucket the army started to fall apart and get this some of them went rouge.

Vaggie: Went rouge in what way?

Y/N: Like doing deals and business with stand using sinners.

Niffty: Ooooooh bad girls! What were they doing?

Y/N: They were selling blessed weapons.....a lot of blessed.

Alastra: (How interesting)

Vaggie: You got to be fucking with me. Why would these guys need blessed weapons for?

Y/N: The same reason why we needed them to fend off Adam and his army.

Doppio: To kill angels and exorcists.

Vaggie: Oh shit.

Y/N: By the sounds of it these guys are planning something something big. Bear in mind these are the same people that put a price on my head and sent an assassin to drop me. Clearly whoever their boss is sees me as a threat and wants me out the picture.

Angel dust: But doesn't that mean they could still be looking for you?

Y/N: Most likely.

Husk: Hold up for just one second. Didn't that Emily person say you had help from an exorcist?

Vaggie: He did?!

Husk: (Nods) I remember her saying that's what that cowboy said. So who was your divine helper?

Vaggie: Tell us the truth Y/N.

Y/N: Okay but before I do vaggie promise me that you won't get too angry.

Vaggie: No promises.

Y/N: Well the person that helped me may or not have beeeeeeen.........lute?

Vaggie: WHAT!?


Y/N: Yeah I know that it sounds...ya know.

Vaggie: What were you doing with her anyway!?

Y/N: Ayo don't blame me she was the one that went looking for me! She tried to get the jump on me didn't work, we scrapped for a few a little bit, saw the rouge exorcists, followed them to the warehouse where they made the deal, we got caught then locked in a room. She got mad at me, We then had sex, we broke out whooped ass and-

Vaggie: I'm sorry......YOU TWO WHAT!?

Y/N:........Whooped ass?

Alastra: No before that.

Y/N: We had sex and then.......Oh.....oh.

Y/N stops when he realised what he said. King crimson appears behind husk and just nods his head at Y/N.

Y/N: I didn't mean to say that.

King crimson: Oh Y/N you just had to open your mouth.

Y/N started to back away husk and doppio gestured for Y/N to leg it. Standing infront of him were four pissed off ladies each emitting a dark aura that puts king crimsons to shame.

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