The show must go on! (S1 Finale)

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The episode opens in Vox's surveillance room as overlapping videos from various cameras stationed around the hazbin hotel play on the screens stationed around him. Vox himself is sitting in his office chair watching them all while drinking from his mug

Vox: No fucking way! They're going to fight? Oh my god hahahaha! O, looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well. 

Vox looks at a monitor with Alastra and Y/N on it.

Vox: Oh I cannot wait to watch you two get FUCKED! Ahahahaha!

Vox laughs maniacally as the camera pans away from his chair and screens

Inside passione HQ le squadra had gathered infront of the T.V eagerly waiting for the news of the exorcists attack.

Formaggio: Ahhhh come on the suspense is killing me!

Ghiaccio: So the second extermination is soon to begin.

Cioccolata: Indeed and truthfully I'm quite jealous the demon they kill and the enjoyment while doing so makes me envious.

Secco: But they won't find us....right?

Illuso: They shouldn't but the boss is gonna be at the hotel and from what he told us that's the angels first spot for the attack.

Pesci: Do you think he'll be alright i mean taking down one exorcist sure but an entire army!?

Prosciutto: Pesci have faith in our leader he handled the likes of risotto what's a few angels to him?

Risotto: Remember though if the boss does fall in the fight to come remember what he told us.

Formaggio: Take over control of the gang-

Prosciutto: And if the exorcists find us protect the base and fight to the last man!

Le squadra: YEAH!

The scene changes to show the cannibals all gathered outside the hotel practising with their weapons. As Charlie watches them all from the hotel's entrance Vaggie comes up to her.

Charlie: (Sighs) Oh I wish my mom were here to see this.

Vaggie: The cannibals seem ready to fight. Are we?

Sir Pentious bursts out of the hotel's doors wearing a victorian style British army uniform and looking proud of himself.

Sir Pentious: Fear not damsels i shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!

Vaggie: What in the hell are you supposed to be?

Sir Pentious: (Salutes) General Pentious reporting for duty. I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all!

Charlie: Thank you Pen.

Niffty runs up to Pentious

Niffty: What can I do to help?

Sir Pentious: I'm glad you asked soldier. The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall! Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault.

Niffty blinks up at Pentious having no idea what he just said

Charlie: How about this. If you see an angel stab it!

Charlie hands Niffty a small blade

Niffty sees Angel Dust a few metres away and thinking that Angel Dust is what Charlie meant, runs towards her with the knife

Niffty: Stab! Stab! Stab!

Angel Dust: Hey hey hey hey! 

Charlie: Not her!

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