Red Blood In White Snow

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The sun came up and almost at the crack of dawn. Soap and Gaz came out of their tents.  "Fucking 'ell my back" Soap said like an old grumpy man.  "Good morning" I said and they looked at me a bit spooked.  "Jeez rookie when did you wake up?" Soap asked as he sat down next to me.  "A while ago" I lied, it was easier then explaining why I hadn't gone to sleep the night before.  "early bird I guess" Gaz said and I shrugged in response.  Not long after Ghost came back from circling the camp.  "And how was your night sunshine?" Soap cooed and Ghost groaned in annoyance. "Anyone got Coffee?" He asked and Soap threw him a packet of instant coffee. "I got extra actually," he handed me a packet... I couldn't drink it straight, I loved Coffee just- not black. " have...sugar or anything?" I said a little embarrassed. "Unless you wanna go milk a cow all I got is some sugar cubes" soap handed them to me and so did Ghost. "You know you're ruining the whole point of coffee by adding sugar" and of course he couldn't do one thing without making some stupid 'point' in his eyes. "Sorry I like the sweeter things in life" I said part of me knew should've held in the back of my mind. "Watch it smart ass" he snarled back at me. I didn't apologize and I was more than positive if I tried it wouldn't come out right.

It wasn't good, not sweet in the slightest. Ghost took his black. Soap drank tea and Gaz put sugar in his. I knew in this circumstance that I couldn't be picky especially when I knew I was gonna be exhausted later but I couldn't sit there and drink that stupidly disgustingly bitter hot liquid or I my body would surely betray me. "Gaz, do you want this?" He simply nodded and poured the rest of it in his own cup. I got up and started gathering and packing so we could continue walking. "You gonna be alright kid? Don't go and fall asleep on us" Soap helped me pack up and I rolled my eyes. "You gonna carry me if I do?" I snorted and he let out a laugh.

After we packed up our things we went on our way.  This whole situation didn't feel...real.  A few days ago I was back at camp and everything was normal and now I'm walking along side a task force of straight murders and war criminals.  Soap was a goofy guy, Gaz was a little quiet, the only one who looked like they actually kill is Ghost... but then again he was hot headed and annoying. The hell were they thinking? Then there's me a private... None of it went together.

The sound of muffled talking caught all of our attention simultaneously. We all went behind a trees to see where it was coming from. I snapped then pointed at the same armored vehicle I saw last night. There were two caucasian men speaking a language I assumed was Russian. "«Мы пробыли здесь всю ночь, пытаясь выяснить, что случилось с этим вертолетом, но здесь ничего нет»." by the body language they looked to be annoyed and tired. "They're looking for us, they saw the copter" Ghost said. He knew Russian? Huh, I only knew French but... That was from high school. "Should we take 'em down?" Gaz asked and I shook my head. "No, let them go back... If they know were here there gonna he ready for us... Let them think it was nothing in the first place" I said and they nodded. "Good idea" Soap commented then the vehicle drove off. "They didn't notice the fire either, that's good" Ghost added and I nodded. Once the vehicle was out of sight we started following the tracks. 

Standing a few feet away from us was a concrete building that's was heavily guarded.  "This is bravo six coming in, we're approaching the building, waiting for orders" Soap spoke in the radio. "Copy that, how many men do you see?" Price asked once more his voice sounding off from the static. "Thirty five men, two helicopters and four tanks none of them active though" I said and they all looked at me a little weird. "Rookies says there thirty five man two helicopters and four tanks" Soap repeated. "Do whatever you need to get in there and finish the mission" Price said. "Over and out" the radio was cut off by a click.  "Alright, here's how it's gonna go down, Ghost 'er comin' with me Rain and Gaz you're snippin' your back up.  Rain your backin' up Ghost.  Gaz you're on me" Soap explained leaving out some crucial details.  "You trying to get me fuckin' killed? She ain't gonna be able to back me up. Call for back up we can't handle all this" Ghost said and I felt my fist clench maybe I would just let him get shot... but that would just prove his point.  "That's an order Lieutenant, we've taken much worse than that and just because she's new here doesn't mean shit" This was the first time I had actually heard Soap be serious about something. 

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