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The palm of my hand began to ache


Mag after Mag, target after target, round after round.

Keep going


Don't stop.

Shot, after shor. No misses. No mistakes.



I missed.

"Fuck..." I uttered before putting the pistol down.  I find myself at the shooting range when I need to clear my head or at least focus on something else.  I don't like to remember.  "You've been at it for a while, private Rain" Captain Price said.  Price was a good man.  Rough on the outside but in reality he's a nice guy.  Taught me the best way to hide cigarettes. "What time is it?" I looked back at the target I missed.  I never miss. "1900" I sighed, it was late, almost passed curfew. "Just... practicing" it wasn't a lie but it didn't feel entirely true either. "You're practicing a shot that's better than any other private in this camp?" not perfect enough if I missed. "I missed" he noticed that, I know he did.  It was hard not to for a man of his caliber. "I interfered, that was on me... Call it a night private" I was gonna argue but I knew my place... Learned that the hard way. "Yes sir" I was gonna walk out when he placed a firm hand on the shoulder making me tense up.  "You've got somethin' in ya' kid... tomorrow I got some news for ya'" ...I felt kinda uneasy when those last words vibrated through my ears...News was never good.  Not from higher ups. "Yes sir" my words with him quickly become repetitive.  When it comes to the military if you don't know you titles your gonna have a rough time. "Dismissed". I didn't say anything just walked through the white door and out of the shooting range.  I stood there for a moment looking down at my boots and the grey concrete under them.  Crickets chirped but my thoughts sounded far louder.  Price's word ran through my head a mile a minute.  I landed on the Idea I was just being transferred to a different camp.  But that still didn't explain why they needed Price to tell me that.

I made my way to the bay and over to my section then to my bunk.  I shared a section with six other girls that all laid sleepings. I sat my right hand down on my bed and a shot of pain when flaming down my arm from my palm. I flinched back and looked at my hand.  Deep bloody blisters ripped into the skin of different spots on my hand.  This wasn't new for me.  since I spent to much time at the range the contrast friction and labor makes my skin go raw then forms deep soars.  I just grabbed and bandage and wrapped up the soars hissing as the contact.  I laid back on the uncomfortable, thin, rough mattress I've been sleeping on for the passed seven months and closed my eyes as they grew heavy. 

Sleeping never came easy.  There was always something keeping me awake.  Exhaustion is how I live my daily life.  Tired without any relief of sleep.  Almost like an addicted without heroin

After eating breakfast it was back to training.  Today was conditioning, which I didn't love but I kinda did this all to myself. I looked down at my ugly brown boots as then jogged on the burnt red track. When I was in high school I did track and the first thing my coach told me was never look down. A little late for that. I heard someone's footsteps approaching me from behind. "What did ya' do to your hand?" a girl named Lilly asked. She didn't look like she belonged in the military. She was gorgeous, blonde and naturally model thin. She looked like he would belong in a magazine and not at a training camp. When we first got here I saw her crying in the bathroom from being yelled at by a Sargent. "Blisters" I said, I never meant to be rude when it came to talking but I didn't see the point in doing it when you didn't have to. "Again? Let me guess you got caught up in the shoot range? Anyway did you hear about Task Force 141?" this immediately took my attention. Why do I keep hearing that stupid number?  "No? Why?" Task force 141 was leaded by Lieutenant General Shepard. I've never seen the man nor have I had any sort of interest in asking around about him, that being said I have heard about him and that task force and great amount. Task force 141 is a multinational special operations unit, the members are from all over to word. Britain, Australia, America and Canada. The only person from that unit I've actually met was Captain John Price. "I thought you would know since you know Captain Price pretty well... do you think there gonna recruit someone to the killer unit?" The "killer unit" was a shitty nickname giving to the task force because that group consist of well, a shit ton of killers. "I wouldn't go around saying stuff like that Lilly might give someone the wrong idea," I replied in a cold manner before speeding up. I don't wanna jump to conclusions but I'm not stupid. There was a reason why Price was here and I wouldn't know why till he told me what news he had

A Light That Never Goes Out (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now