Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8


- November 1991 -

Year: 3. Current Alias: Emily Goldstein. Age: 413.

Location: The Corridors


Emily was walking towards the Great Hall, late for lunch due to her accidentally taking a longer time in the greenhouse with Sprout. They were still trying to find more information about the imported plant from New Zealand. Sprout was getting frustrated with it and shooed her away from the greenhouse, otherwise Emily would’ve just skipped lunch entirely. She was so invested in the possibilities of what this plant could provide for her. The similarities between the plant’s makeup and her own were so close.

Her and Hermione had been getting closer ever since Emily had been released from the Hospital Wing. Hopefully during lunch they’d be able to talk about the Brothers Grimm story. Hermione was a very bright young witch and Emily loved her perspective and ways of thinking. It brought a new type of friendship for her. Normally Emily’s the one pressuring her friends to study or to help out, but instead the girls both know the other can and will pull their own weight so they don’t bother nagging the other.

Before Emily could enter the hall, however, she caught a streak of purple from the side of her eye. Following her gut feelings, she slowly followed the Professor.

He seemed to be struggling as he stumbled around the corridors with his hands on his turban. As if he was in intense pain. Emily’s eyebrows furrowed with confusion. Quirrell stopped in front of a classroom door and looking around, he went inside quickly. Thankfully Emily was hidden behind a statue so the Professor was unable to see her. Right as she was about to follow, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her back and into a broom closet.

A hand clamped itself over her mouth as she struggled in someone’s grip. A quick pull of the string to turn on the lightbulb in the broom closet and she saw that one of the mischievous twins had taken her away from her important spy duties.

“What do you want George?” She hissed with irritation.

“Why’re you avoiding me, Fred, and Lee?”

“I haven’t been.”

“Yes you have. It shows. I hate to say this, but have you finally realized that you’re madly in love with all three of us but know that we’d never ditch our friendship for some girl… but I’d definitely lose the other two to be with you, Emily G.” George exclaimed dramatically and Emily rolled her eyes at the statement.

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