Chapter Seven

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- October 1991 -

Year: 3. Current Alias: Emily Goldstein. Age: 413.

Location: The Corridors


Emily was walking towards the Great Hall, late for the Halloween Feast because she went back to the tower to grab her wand that she accidentally left in her bag. She was just about to turn the corner when she saw people filing out of the Great Hall hurriedly. Pressing herself against the wall, she watched as they all hurriedly went to their common rooms. She caught snippets of people's conversations though.

"Can't believe a troll-"

"On Halloween as well-"

"I'm scared of trolls-"

"Quirrell fainted when he told us all-"

"How'd a troll get in?"

Emily heard enough to know and started to walk into the opposite direction, towards the hall. Ducking around people and manovouring through, she glanced inside of the Great Hall and saw Professor Quirrell on the ground. She quickly hid behind one of the large torch stands. The corridors cleared out and the only thing she heard was the flame above her head. But she knew he would come around soon.

Footsteps echoed and Quirrell walked out of the Great Hall, an evil smirk on his face and he walked in the opposite direction of Emily. Silently and stealthily, Emily followed behind him without being caught. For some reason the color he was wearing made her stomach churn with a bad feeling, but she ignored it until she found out what this sneaky professor was going to do.

Now Quirrell was not like other professors. He was one of the only Professors not trusted with Emily's immortality secret and that was only because the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors were not to be trusted ever since the job became jinxed.

His stuttering was off in Emily's opinion and the turban around his head was weird enough.... That's right! The turban's color was the same purple that Emily had seen on that one person who was going into the Forbidden Forest. Why would Quirrell be going into the forest?

Before Emily could think further about it, Quirrell started walking down the third floor. The floor Dumbledore had told the students not to go to at the Welcome Feast. Why is he sneaking around on the third floor? Before she could see what door Quirrell stopped at, she heard Severus Snape's voice. Emily pressed herself against the wall and silently casted a spell to enhance her hearing.

"... I knew you'd try to get to the stone tonight. I just knew it." Snape sneered, slamming a door. Emily peered around the corner slightly, seeing the door the two men were standing in front of and noticed the bloody cut on Snape's leg. Then she hid back behind the large column so they wouldn't notice her.

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