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1624, Unknown POV

My eyes gazed at the delicate figure as she retreated back to her safe haven. The thin silver anklets with quietly jingling bells hung silently at her waist, tucked into the cotton fabric of her saree. Slipping inch my inch, a single of the pair landed on the ground without her notice. Her feet shuffled hastily and soon her figure was gone from my sight. 

Long after her departure, I moved away from my stance behind the old wide tree trunk. My steps made their gradual way to the silver anklet, and soon enough, it was settled in my palm, glistening lightly under the white rays from the moon. 

Staring at the beautiful piece of jewelry, I felt a sense of craving fill me once again. I felt a tight pinch tease the edge of my heart and an unfamiliar flame was born in the pit of my stomach. It was a feral hunger.

A hunger to bleed in the heart of the delicate beauty until it is soaked in the essence of my being. A hunger to hold the strings of her heart in my palm, just as I'd give her mine. A hunger to graze my itching fingers across her soft skin and corrupt her innocence beyond revival. A hunger to hear her squirm against my heated form and whimper my name as my dark obsession conquers the deepest depths of her mind and pleasure reigns over her body with craving as dark as mine. 

Sniffing the anklet, I breathed the soft smell of sandalwood clinging to it. The smell roamed through my body and further only spread unholy thoughts in my mind with the woman at the center of it all. Fuck, she is driving me further and further into insanity with solely just her kajal lined eyes. 

Checking my surroundings for any movement during the ungodly hours of the night, I turned my back unwillingly and left the premises. Weaving through the dense expanse of the forest, I made it back to the small hut at the edge of the remote village without any disturbance. Taking off the turban and scarf covering my head and face, I rested my body on the simple woven cot. My eyes twitched and soon collided together as I fell into a deep and comfortable slumber.

The young beauty stepped into my dreams, just as ethereal as I had seen her today, sparkling under the glow of the full moon. Her form was wrapped in a pale cotton saree, drenched in fresh water as she played around in the lake under the night sky. The drenched cloth turned lightly opaque and clung to her divine form. Splashing around in the serene water body, abruptly, she turned towards me, holding my hungry gaze without a hint of shyness.

My heartbeat raced and raced until my body was jolted awake and away from her dreamy intoxication. The golden rays of the sun shone past the barriers of the small hunt and gently caressed my face. The warm touch felt like a cooling wind hugging my heated body. The young lady's single look was enough for my stoned heart to pound against my chest. A sigh slipped through my lips, and I sat up on the cot. My feet firmly rested on the mud floor and my elbows on them to keep my form upright.

"Mahraj, what's up with you?" asked Abhi, my Chief Advisor and best friend spoke. His face was fresh and bright, and his beard and mustache seemed trimmed neatly. His confused stare looked for answers in me, yet all I could give him was a smile with all my feelings poured into it. "Oh no, Mahraj, please don't give me that smile!" But what could I do, except widen my smirk?

"No need to fear about it, Abhi," I chuckled before getting up from the cot and going to freshen up. My hands ran through my messy hair in attempts to tame it better. My usual clean-shaven jaw was littered with a light beard and my regular sharp mustache was overgrown. 

"The last time you laughed like that was when you were soaked in blood and hailed the victory of the war in north a few months ago!" mumbled Abhi. "How could I not be worried, Mahraj?"

Moving outside and away from the hut, I uttered to myself, "maybe this time, my heart doesn't crave for violence but rather for acceptance and possession."

Our day passed quickly in a blur as we roamed the small village and enquired regarding the lingering local matters and conflicts. Afterall, it was my duty as the Samrat of ChandraAranya to know the concerns of my people and eliminate them to the best of my capability. Most of the local issues revolved around animals wandering around the farmlands and spoiling the crops the farmers grew with their blood and sweat, trading taxes and the domination of local wealthy men. 

These matters were easier to resolve with fencing the farmlands and allocating a group of hunters to wander these lands periodically. It was mutually beneficial for the farmers to keep the wild animals away from their precious crops while providing game for the hunters to hunt and trade. The taxes would be taken into consideration for the wealthy and poor accordingly so they could support the government as per their capability. The bigger issue came with the domination of wealthy over the poor and it was a persisting situation in many of the villages. It was a matter that had to be looked into in court. Explaining the solutions to these problems to Abhi, I ordered him to prepare a court discussion regarding the matter.

Despite the numerous things I had on my shoulders, I couldn't ignore the woman flooding through my mind and veins. All I could wish was for her to be there again by the lake so my heart could stare at her with most content once again. 

The rise and set of the sun didn't matter to me any longer as my world revolved around her now. Curiosity about her was bubbling in my stomach and all the answers could only be answers by her.

So here I stood, once again in the dead of the night, waiting for her to come and sit by the lake, just as she had done yesterday. I heard the soft giggling of her anklets approaching, just like when I heard them and followed them hear last night. And once again, her long, gorgeous locks of hair were loose and free, casting shadows over her face and hiding her from me, just as they had done yesterday.

No longer could I hold myself back. All I wanted was her, and I couldn't back out now when she has me wrapped tightly around her delicate fingertips.

Wassup everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter

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Wassup everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you guys think and vote for the chapter if you had fun! I hope ya'll don't mind the grey angle of our Mahraj 😉😉😉Hehehe, take care guys, until next time!!!


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