Call your mom

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Based on the Noah Kahan song Call Your Mom 

Warning contains talks of mental health 

Grab your tissues this is going to be a sad one x

Lando's POV 

I glanced over at Y/N, my heart sinking as I saw her sitting on the sofa in my streaming room. She was bouncing her knee anxiously, tears streaming down her cheeks. It wasn't the first time I'd seen her like this, and it always tore me apart.

Oh, you're spiralin' again
The moment right before it ends, you're most afraid of

From the beginning of our relationship, I knew Y/N battled with her mental health. The constant barrage of hate comments, comparisons to her brothers, and the vile death threats she received online seemed to chip away at her resilience. No matter how much love and support I offered, there were moments when it felt like I was helpless to shield her from the cruelty of the world.

I moved closer to her, sitting down beside her on the sofa. Gently, I reached out and brushed away the tears from her cheeks, my heart aching with the need to comfort her.

Don't let this darkness fool you
All lights turned off can be turned on

 I sat there with her holding her until she was exhausted from crying, so I picked her up took her to our room and placed her in bed giving her a kiss on the forehead before going to my side of the bed and getting in, 

I heard movements at some point during the night but just thought it was our cat until I heard the front door shut, I jumped out of bed and quickly grabbed my keys, "she couldn't have gone far" I whispered to myself before releasing she can run fast and far 

I jumped in the car quickly started it and pulled out of the driveway, I had her Life 360 open so i could track where she was going and quickly drove to her location 

Medicate, meditate, save your soul for Jesus
Throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason
Don't wanna drive another mile without knowin' you're breathin'
So, won't you stay, won't you stay, won't you stay with me?

 when I saw her Life 360 location paused my heart pounded with every passing second she knew I would use it so I couldn't find her. The thought of her out there alone, battling her demons in the darkness, filled me with a sense of dread, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. 

 I knew that all lights turned off could be turned on again, but first, I needed to find her and remind her that she was not alone in this fight.

I climbed into my car and drove, the familiar streets blurring together in a haze of desperation and fear. "I'll drive, I'll drive all night," I vowed to myself, determination fueling my every move. I couldn't let her slip away, not now, not ever.

As I rounded a corner, my heart skipped a beat when I saw her silhouette standing alone on the edge of the road. I pulled up beside her, rolling down the window as she turned to face me with tear-stained cheeks and haunted eyes.

"Oh, dear, don't be discouraged," I murmured, the lyrics of the song tumbling from my lips like a prayer. "I've been exactly where you are, and I promise you, it will get better. But first, you need to come home with me."

She hesitated for a moment, uncertainty flickering in her gaze, but then she nodded slowly as if she had finally found the strength to surrender to the safety of my embrace.

"I'll call your mom," I promised, reaching out to take her hand in mine. "And together, we'll face whatever comes our way, one step at a time."

As we drove back home, the weight of her struggles still heavy in the air between us, I knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult. But with love as our compass and hope as our guide, I was confident that we would find our way through the darkness, together.

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love you all x 

Y/n Hughes x Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now