Chapter one <3

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In the hotel lobby , a few days after winning the battle against heaven, Charlie and the others were planning how to redeem sinners.Soon people were leaving to get on with their day and some were sat in the kitchen while Charlie made some food. All the planning had really seemed to stress her out.
"Breakfast is ready" she shouted as people began to take their seats. When alastor didn't come down tho Charlie sent her father up to grab him.However when he got to his room he saw the door wide open and bloodstained tissue and clothing on the floor. He got worried so he decided to check up and noticed he was in the bathroom.He could see in the mirror a wound from alastors shoulder to his stomach.Lucifer was about to leave but realised he must have been hurt by Adam. While walking back alastor began to feel the presence of someone in his  room.He turned around fast to see who was there.he didn't see anyone but suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him. It was Lucifer,who had transformed himself into a snake.
"What are you doing here!" Alastor yelled at Lucifer pouncing at him with his tentacles. Lucifer had dodged them and started asking questions about what had caused the wound and who gave it to him , and then he started teasing him about how he lost in battle. However due to the fighting alastor had accidentally hurt the wound and it started bleeding once again.
"GET OUT!!" He screamed at Lucifer
"Yknow that wound won't heal on its own" Lucifer replied .
"I can handle it myself!" His radio effect seemed to be dissapearing slightly due to annoyance but Lucifer wasnt giving up
"If it doesn't heal then it will eventually get worse and would end up killing you in the end of I don't help"
"How would you help anyways!??"
"You need blood"
"What sort of blood" he said confused
"Angel blood"
"Where could I possibly get blood?!"
"Look what's Infront of you dumbass"
Alastor hadn't had the chance to taste exterminator blood yet because it had already been sold out in cannibal town but the thought of it sounded nice
"Why would I ask you for help? You must want something in return.."
"I don't want anything in return .. I just want you to  promise you won't ruin Charlie's plans or anything like that?"
"So how long should I have your blood for?"
"At least about... I'm not sure just until it heals ?"
"Ok but I'm only doing this so I don't die and this doesn't make us friends in any way!" Alastor said still confused on why the king was helping him .
"Why exactly are you helping me tho."
"I'm not doing this for you or me I'm doing this for Charlie !"
"When should I start taking the blood" alastor said completely ignoring what Lucifer said
"I don't know.. I guess tommorow since I have to go to a meeting today?"
"Sounds fine to me!"
As Lucifer began to leave he couldn't stop thinking about what he had just done " why the fuck would I offer him MY blood?!"

Word count: 529
I didn't rlly know what to do for this chapter 😭
I'm going to post the next one and that will be the last one for tonight
Also once school starts again I may be busy or not upload as many chapters
Hope you enjoyed lmk if you want any changes and I will try my best :)

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