Chapter 13 To Defend My Sister's Honour

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The next day we all got ready for the battle that Aslan had predicted. We all got ready. The boys dressed in their armour and us girls in a chain male.
We stood on a flat plain, Peter, Edmund, and I and Lucy and Ruth on top of a hill. I watched as my worst memory became reality again.
The minotuars lead followed by other creatures and then Lord Vervan on Pegasus. Lucy's horse. I clenched my fists angrily.
I looked up at Peter and at Edmund. Peter unsheathed his sword as our enemies charged at us.
"For Narnia! And for Aslan!" He shouted. I and Edmund unsheathed ours.
The battle had begun. Our archers shot their arrows toward Vervan's, but they had few casualties. They fired back.
My brothers and I lead our army below to meet with our enemy. I felt my sword clash against a minotuar's. In a few minutes I had him down and was fighting my next opponent.
Things didn't go too well, it seemed they planned to push us back to the woods. Some of our troops were stationed there for an ambush.
I saw Lord Vervan leave the battle. My brothers were too busy fighting. He was heading for Cair Paravel. I knew what he planned to do. I had to stop him. I didn't bother tell anyone I was leaving, I was to much in a hurry.
I fought my way out of the battle towards my home.
"Come on, Fidelia," I urged my horse.
"Yes, your majesty." My horse panted.
We made it to Cair Paravel, where I found Lucy's horse. Vervan had been here.
"Queen Verity!" Pegasus exclaimed, as I got off my horse.
"Where's Lord Vervan?" I asked untying my horse.
"He's inside," Pegasus answered.
"Go into the stable," I ordered both of the horses.
"What are you doing?" Pegasus asked confused.
"To defend my sister's honour," I unsheathed my sword.
I ran inside and heard voices in the library.
"You want us to get married now?" Susan asked in disbelief.
"Yes," It was Lord Vervan.
"But we haven't even asked for Peter's blessing or...." Susan protested.
"We don't need it," Lord Vervan insisted.
"But my siblings they are fighting in a battle, shouldn't we..."
"If you keep stalling, we'll never get married," answered an annoyed Vervan.
I choose that moment to enter the room. I point my sword for Vervan's neck,"You aren't going too."
"Verity, put that sword down," ordered a shocked Susan.
"No, don't you see. You can't marry him," I remained stubborn.
"Verity, you can't convince your sister not to marry me. She's already made up her mind," Chuckled Vervan.
"Has she?" I asked him doubtful,"She wouldn't marry a man, who almost tried to kill me and Peter. Who kidnapped me. Who stole Lucy's horse. Who beat me up, that explains all the bruises and cuts, Su. Who told me I wasn't good enough. A man who's a coward, who abandons his own army?"
"Verity, he would never do that," Susan answered defensively.
"Really," I scoffed,"Didn't the horse he came with look a lot like Pegasus?"
"Yes," Susan nodded,"But..."
"Susan, you'll have to make a decision. Marry him, you'll lose all of us. You don't..." she cuts me off.
"Verity, you know I can't," she said.
"Yes, you can," I retorted.
"How can I choose between the man I love and my family?" She asked, tears streaming down her face.
"You can't always go by your feelings, Susan," I replied sharply. I lowered my sword, but at that moment Lord Vervan swung his at me.

3rd person Peter
It was a hard fight, but finally Peter realized what they were doing, pushing towards Cair Paravel. And they were succeeding.
"Verity! Ed!" He called, but he came to face with only Edmund.
"Peter, she went back to Cair!" Edmund shouted, above the clashing of swords.
"What!" He exclaimed in dismay.
"I think she went, because Lord Vervan had went there, too," Edmund told him.
"Susan!" Gasped Peter, he looked back at his brother.
"Let them push us back!" He shouted.
"Peter, what about you and Verity's plan!" Edmund yelled, as he fought off a hag.
"Because Lord Vervan is not as smart as he thinks he is," Peter called back.
"Fall back!" He shouted as he turned around to Cair Paravel.
His two sisters were in grave danger. He had to stop Vervan from hurting any of them.

Verity's pov
"Verity!" Susan screamed in warning.
I managed to duck and pointed my sword back at him."You want to fight?" I smirked,"Fine."
I swung my sword at him and he back. It was a duel! Fight to the death, even. He lunged at me and my sword fell out of my hands. I was pinned against the wall.
"Nice try," he laughed,"Say your last words, little queen."
"Verity! No," Susan grabbed his arm,"Leave her alone!"
"Get back, my love!" He shouted.
Susan cowered back in fear.
"Let go of her," I heard someone order coldly.
I looked up to see Peter, his sword pointed at Lord Vervan.
My enemy chuckled,"Now isn't that sweet, big brother coming to rescue little sister."
"I didn't come here to mess around, leave both of them alone," Peter glared at him.
Their swords met, I had enough time to pick up mine.
At that moment I heard a sound coming from outside. Susan looked out the window."It's our army and Vervan's." She gave a betrayed Vervan a cold stare.
I heard a loud roar,"Aslan!" I exclaimed. Then came screaming and only minutes later a cry of surrender.
"No! No! You fools!" Lord Vervan shouted, he ran over to the window,"You can't!"
He turned back at us,"You are not leaving this room. None of you!" I saw fire in his eyes."Until Susan and I are married and if not I kill you two. Then they will fight again."
"Who's going to marry you two?" Asked Peter drily, he put a strong arm around Susan and another around me.
"You are," he pointed his sword at Peter.
"No, I won't marry you!" Susan cried.
"I will not have anything to do with my sister marrying you against her will," Peter glared, Susan cried in his shoulder.
I let go of Peter's grip and attacked Lord Vervan and he me."Alright, I'll do the ugly alternative," he chuckled.
"Vervan! Stop! Leave her alone!" Peter shouted, he joined the fight. But it was too late. Vervan stabbed me in the side. I fell to the ground. Despite the pain I fought back.
In a moment he was on the ground dead. I did it.
Then I realized it, Lord Vervan was my doubts. That's what he was. I had felt so worthless until now. I was sitting, but now the pain in my side was so unbearable, I fall to the ground. My greatest giant was dead.

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