Chapter 4 Kidnapped!

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The next day, I wanted to be alone. I snuck some food from the kitchen and got ready for my escape. That night I put on some of Edmund's old clothes, put on my sword belt, with my sword and pendagger and grabbed a bag. I climbed out the window and ran into the stable. While I saddled Fidelia, I heard someone say.
"Verity, what are you doing?"
I swung around and breathed a sigh of relief,"Edmund!"
"You're not running away are you?" He asked suspiciously,"Don't that was my mistake."
"But I'll come back, Edmund, you won't tell the others promise." I replied,"I just need to get out."
"This isn't going to fix things," he protested.
"I'm sorry, Ed, but I have too," I agrued back.
"You have one track mind, don't you," he sighed,"Fine, but if you are disguising as a boy, I'd cut my hair." He teased.
I tossed my pendagger at him,"Then do it."
I sat down as my brother cut my hair
"You know this is such a waste. All that beautiful hair." He teased."Peter will miss playing with it."
"Shut up! It will grow back!" I retorted annoyed.
When he finally finished, we both didn't say a word. I climbed on Fidelia's back.
"I love you, Little Sister," he said.
"I love you, Big Brother," I answered, tears blinding my vision. I jumped back off my horse and he pulled me into his arms.
"I love you," he said again.
I hid my face against his chest, listening to his heart beat.
"I'll miss you, Edmund, you are a wonderful brother, king, and comrad in mischief."
We finally release our embrace and I climb back on Fidelia.
"Goodbye," We both said to eachother. Then I grabbed the reins. And Fidelia began to trot.
I looked back at Cair Paravel,"Goodbye, Peter, Edmund, Ruth, Lucy, Goodbye Cair Paravel, Mr. Tumnus, Beavers, Orieus."
In no time my home was engulfed by the unfriendly woods I was traveling in.
It was cold and I wish I had brought a coat. Didn't think of it. It was dark so I couldn't see much. I was a bit scared I was lost. But how could a queen get lost in her own woods. It was Edmund's wood really. I ruled the majestic mountains.
All of a sudden Fidelia reared up,"Whoa, Fidelia!" I cried, pulling the reins.
"Your majesty, there's two dwarves, black dwarves and they have weapons approaching. What should I do?" She asked.
"Gallop!" I ordered, knowing most black dwarves didn't respect us as kings and queens of Narnia.
My horse ran as fast as it could, so that I could not hold on any longer. I was thrown.
"Fidelia!" I cried, getting up. I unsheathed my sword. The two black dwarves approaching, unsheathed theirs.
"Put your sword down, boy," One chuckled.
"I'm not a...." I protested.
"Down or we're going to kill ya!" The second one yelled.
I did as I was told and both of them grabbed my arms with their steel grip.
"March! To the dungeon!" Dwarf #1
I obeyed and followed them. They took me to a large house and led me down in a series of tunnels, with cells on reach side. A prison! Why, was I here?. They opened one of the cells and showed me inside.
"Stay there, kid!" Dwarf #2 snarled.
"Where would I go?" I asked, as they locked the door,"I can't get out."
They ignored me, I fell to my knees and buried my head in my arms."Aslan, please help me!" I cried
"Please help me!"

3rd person Edmund
The next morning, Edmund was woken by Peter, shaking him,"Ed, Verity's missing!"
"She is!" He jumped out of his bed, trying to act surprised.
"Yes," Peter nodded gravely,"I think she ran away."
"Don't worry, Pete," Edmund assured him,"I'm sure we'll find her."
At breakfast everyone sat in silence, until Susan broke the silence.
"It's my fault," Susan sighed," She was right, I am selfish."
"No," Peter put an arm around his younger sister,"It was mine more than anyone else's."
"It was mine," Edmund stood up," I shouldn't have encouraged her to play that trick on Lord Vervan."
"You mean help," Ruth corrected.
"What are we going to do?" Susan asked.
"I'm sure Aslan will help us," Lucy assured them all.
"I'm sure he will," Peter smiled at his youngest sister.
"Your majesties!" They all turned to find Mr. Tumnus."Fidelia is here, but Verity isn't."
"Oh no," Edmund exclaimed, as he ran outside followed by the others.
He saw Orieus and a few others talking to his sister's horse.
Orieus turned to Peter,"They took her, two black dwarves kidnapped Queen Verity, your majesty."
A sickening feeling met Edmund,"Oh no, I'm sorry!"
"Peter!" Cried Ruth.
"What will we do!" Sobbed Lucy.
Peter puts an arm around both of them,"We'll go find her."
"It's my fault, Peter," Edmund said quickly.
"What do you mean, Ed?" Susan asked.
"She told me she was running away. I..." he hung his head. He couldn't bear the piercing look on his brother's eyes.
"Thanks, Ed, now now our sister is kidnapped," he glared.
"Peter, this isn't Edmund's fault," Ruth protested.
"Verity has a mind of her own," Lucy added.
"She's right, there's no was she would listen to Edmund, as stubborn as she is," Susan nodded."Maybe Fidelia might know where they took her. You boys go look. I'll take care of the girls."

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