Chapter 8 Escape

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"Peter! Edmund!" Lucy came up to her brothers, who were saddling their horses."Where are you going? Who's overseeing training?"
"Going to find Verity. I can't just let her suffer where ever she is," Peter answered,"And Ruth and Orieus are taking care of training."
"Can't I come," She begged,"I'm coming," she ran to get Pegasus.
"No, Lucy, we don't know what kind of thugs are holding Verity custody." Peter protested.
"Peter, let her," Edmund intervened
"She might be some help."
"Fine, but stay close to me and Edmund," Peter relented.
"Thanks," Lucy grinned.
A few minutes later the three set back into the Shuddering Woods.
"You know the camp Orieus found," Lucy began,"Wouldn't the place Verity's being held at be nearby."
"Good one, Lu," Peter grinned.
So they searched half that morning for the house. They managed to pass the battle camp, unnoticed. It was a sight Edmund had seen before. He had been tied to a tree, witnessing all kinds of creatures prepare for battle. It was something he wanted to forget.
When they reached a clearing, Lucy shouted,"There's a house and there's..." But she couldn't finish, because Peter took her off her horse, covering her mouth, pulling her down beside him and Edmund, behind a bush.
Verity's pov
It was the fifth day, I stared at Anwir, who was staring back at me. If only I could get out. I could feel my pendagger in my hands. I then had a brilliant idea.
"You know, Anwir, I could give you information. Lots actually. I can tell it to you now," I began slily.
"I'll get Lord Vervan," said the dwarf excitedly.
"No, don't you know. He's a traitor. I wouldn't trust. I wouldn't trust him, but I trust you. If you'd just come in, I'll tell you. No weapons we're friends. I will not answer to force." I protested.
The dwarf obeyed,"Now, tell me," he grinned.
"Yes, of course," I walked up to him, I picked up a piece of rope, casually lying around. I grabbed his shoulder and held him against the wall, my dagger at his throat.
"Get away from me!" He shrieked terrified.
While holding firmly to his shoulder, I tied his hands.
"Good day, Sir," I said cheerfully, as I grabbed the keys from his pocket. I walked out and locked the door.
"Help!" The dwarf cried,"Help!"
I got that as a signal to run. Finding my way through the tunnels and up the trap door and out of the prison.

3rd person Peter
"Hey, stop right there!" Peter looked up to see, a girl, tired and dirty run out of the house. Her hair was cut and she wore what seemed to be Edmund's old clothes.
"Verity!" Edmund exclaimed.
It was their sister. She was chased by two dwarves. She stopped and took out her pendagger, but they knocked it out of her hands with their swords.
"Grab her!" One ordered.
The other grabbed her arms behind her knock, twisting one. She cringed from the pain.
"Where did you get that weapon?" Asked one of them.
"As if I'd tell you," she laughed.
They led her to a water trough and the one holding her, plunged her face first in.
"Peter!" Sobbed Lucy, clutching his arm,"What are they doing."
Peter grabbed the hilt of his sword, they were killing his sister.
"Peter!" Cried Lucy, as he got up.
Edmund pulled Lucy towards him, holding her tightly.
"Now ,missy," the dwarf brought her up, she gasped for air."Where'd you get...."
"I had it all the time," she smirked.
"You had it all the time!" Exclaimed dwarf 2, his mouth gaped upon.
"Yes, all the time," she gave them her look,"You are the most stupid kidnappers ever. Usually you would check that I didn't have any weapons."
"Get her back down to her cell and where's Anwir?" Asked dwarf 1.
"Tied him up, what else," she answered sarcastically.
Dwarf 2 lead Verity back in the house. Peter unsheathed his sword and attacked dwarf 1.

Verity's pov
I was led back to my cell, shivering and cold. Anwir wasn't there anymore, instead there was a minotaur.
"She got away," explained an annoyed dwarf 2.
"Yes, I know," the minotaur nodded,"Someone should keep an eye on her."
I sat down and hugged my knees, as the door swung shut and was locked. I broke into heartwrenching sobs.
"Your majesty," it was Qadir. I looked down at the mouse. He laid a hand on my arm.
"Aslan, will help you," he whispered,"He's always nearby."
I hugged the mouse in return.
I heard someone open the door, Lord Vervan!
"Quickly!" I said to my friend, who disappeared back into his hole.
The Man had an angry look on his face,"Whatever was that!" He hit me hard on the face.
"Ouch! Stop!" I cried,"I'm sorry!"
"You better be," he snarled, then a smile crossed his face,"We caught some friends, do you mind sharing the same cell?"
I shrugged my shoulders. I watched as a dwarf, lead in three people. As our eyes met, I gasped. It was my siblings, Peter, Edmund, and Lucy.
"We caught them, fighting our dwarves," smirked Lord Vervan, he pointed at Peter,"He killed one."
I saw a look of resentment on Peter's face, as he glared at Lord Vervan.
"I'm surprised that you found this place," Lord Vervan commented,"I thought I had it all figured out, except how to keep your sister from running away."
"Well, you didn't," I smirked, getting up,"You even messed up the whole idea of kidnapping me," I crossed my arms.
"Shut up, kid!" He slapped my face, I held my cheek.
"I'm sorry, but you didn't have to hit me," I retorted.
"Leave her alone," Peter and Edmund said, their faces both tightening.
Lucy hid behind Peter, she was crying.
"She's my hostage," chuckled Lord Vervan,"I can do whatever I want with her."
"She's my sister, if you even dare touch her again, I'll...." Peter answered angrily.
"Who cares," snorted Lord Vervan,"I'll leave you four alone."
He closed the door behind him and the dwarf locked our door. Lucy was the first to hug me.
"Are you alright?" I asked as we hugged.
"Are you?" Lucy asked.
"I'm fine," I answered.
Next was Edmund, he pulled me into the tightest hug ever.
"I told you running away was a bad idea," he laughed.
"Well, I fine," I replied, we still had our arms around eachother.
"Well, you don't look fine," Peter said, he held out his arms,"Come here, little sister."
I let go of Edmund's embrace and into his arms.
"Peter!" I cried, I had missed him so much.
"Verity, my little sister," Peter said, he swung me around, like Dad used to when I was younger. I gripped tightly to him, never wanting to let go and he held me tighter.
"I've missed you!" I cried, burying my face in his shoulder,"I'm sorry."
"It's alright," he kissed my cheek,"It's alright," He rubbed my back,"It's alright. You're cold." He wrapped his cloak around me, keeping me in his arms, I still had my arms around his neck. My head nestled on his shoulder. I could smell his cologne. It made me feel safe and it reminded me of Cair Paravel.
Lucy gets down beside us and hugs me again. I hugged her back. Even though I was older she gave me more comfort. Peter had us both in his arms.
"Why is Lord Vervan with them?" She asked.
"They promised him the right to rule after they supposedly win," I explained,"Seems these Narnians hate Aslan so much, they want to get of anyone who rules under him, which is us. They don't care if it's a tyrant like the white witch or an idiot like Vervan. He was spying on us when he was visiting Cair Paravel."
"So he wasn't an ambassador for Archenland," Edmund muttered.
"Nothing like one, more like a rebel," I answered,"His thugs kidnapped me without intention. They have been doing so with many other faithful Narnians. But when he realized what they had done, Lord Vervan thought they could defeat us with no problem."
"Why?" Lucy asked.
"Apparently, I was the one who helped the Narnians win the battle of Beruna, or so he thinks." I replied,"And he also wanted information, he threatened me." I shuddered.
"What did you do?" Peter asked.
"Got him to tell stories about himself or if that didn't work I'd get him off track myself. He soon forgot what he wanted and left," I answered,"But I guess he figured out my tricks and that must be why he hit me when I talked."
"That's awful," Lucy shuddered.
"Well, let's not talk about it now. We need to figure a way out of here." I switched to a different subject,"I can send a note, since I sort of know where we are now. Our troops can ambush...Oh shucks, the dwarves took away my pendagger."
Peter looked at Edmund,"Still have that pendagger, Ed?"
"Sure do, Pete," Edmund nodded, handing me my most prized possession,"Found it on the ground."
"Thanks, you three know more about where we are. Qadir will deliver it back to Cair..." I go to get some paper.
"How did you get all that paper?" Asked Lucy.
"I've got a little friend, who snitches stuff for my, Qadir, you may come out," I explained.
Out came my faithful comrad from his hole,"Your majesty."
"A mouse," exclaimed Peter and Edmund.
"He talks," I told them.
"Qadir!" Lucy smiled at him in recognition.
"Queen Lucy!" He turned to my brother's,"And you two must be High King Peter and King Edmund."
"Hello," Peter replied warily.
"So what do you want, your majesties?" Qadir asked.
"Well, we need to find a place out of here," replied Edmund.
"Which you need to do fast, I overheard Lord Vervan telling his men, he wanted to go into battle soon. In a day or so." The mouse explained,"And as for the note, I'm not that fast in the night. We need to think of something else."
"But what?" I asked, shivering.
"I could find Aslan," he suggested.
"But that might take a while," replied Peter doubtful.
"Aslan is always there when we need him," Lucy looked up at our oldest brother.
"Alright then," Peter answered,"Find Aslan."
"Your wish is my command, High King Peter," the mouse bowed and then disappeared back into his hole.
"He'll find him," Lucy assured us."Aslan's already coming. I know it."
"Get some sleep all of you," Peter said to us,"I'll watch for Qadir and Aslan."

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