Chapter 7 Anwir

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It was two days now that I've been locked up in this cell. I was cold, tired, and hungry. What would you expect, if you only had a cold floor for a bed.
I spent most of my time writing. I had plenty of that time. It was poetry about dungeons and prisons. Well, that was the climax. But then my Savior came and rescued me. I was also writing down my favorite Psalms for memory.
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If thou, O Lord, shouldest mark inquities, O Lord, who shall stand?
"Open up!" I heard someone shout. I could see one of the dwarves open the door and in stepped Lord Vervan. His eyes went to the stack of paper Qadir had given me.
"Where'd you get this?" He glared at me.
"I just got it," I answered innocently,"I need something to entertain myself."
Lord Vervan snatches on of the papers up,"The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul." He read, he dropped the paper,"Fine believe in your strange God, who can't help you!"
"He can," I answered.
"I bet he doesn't even know you exist," snarled Lord Vervan.
"He does," I replied.
"Whatever, now," he picked me up by the collar,"Explain why your siblings are preparing for battle?"
"What?" I asked confused.
"You heard me, answer. Or one of my dwarves will shoot you with their arrows," he snapped back.
"Oh, so you are threatening me now," I laughed,"Well, I will not comply, because I have no idea," I answered smugly.
"Say or die," He threatened.
"Mice, that's who told them mice," I replied slily, knowing he wouldn't believe me.
"Shut up," he let me stand, but punched me in the face. I only flinched at the pain."None of your tricks."
"Well, I don't know. My brothers probably just found out about your plans," I said innocently,"Why are you fighting them anyways?"
"Cause they promised me the chance to be king," he answered pious."I was passing through these parts when one of my good dwarf friends, Anwir, convinced me to start a rebellion."
"You knew a few Narnians?" I asked confused.
"He was captured by the Calormenes at a young age and was sold to my father in Telmar. I freed him." He explained,"And helped him get home."
"Why would he want to live in Narnia, while the white witch was ruling?" I asked curious.
"He has been one of the faithful. He fought against you in the battle of Beruna," Answered Lord Vervan,"Remember him?"
"There were many dwarves there," I replied laughing.
"Well, let's make your memory more clearer," chuckled Lord Vervan, getting down to my level,"Anwir was the dwarf who shot your brother's horse."
"Oh, that one. I didn't see him well. Edmund, Ruth, and I were with the archers. Good aim, not to thank him for nearly killing Peter himself," I glared.
"And he'll be killing you, if you don't tell me," He snarled back,"Did you tell them?"
"No, I couldn't, unless I get away," I shook my head.
"You won't get away," Laughed Lord Vervan.
"Seems your underestimating my intelligence," I answered,"Wasn't the reason kidnapped me, because I was too smart."
Lord Vervan hit me hard on the lip, which started to bleed."Not another word out of you, little brat!"
"Well, didn't you want...." I began.
"Shut up!" He yelled, as he walked out the cell door,"Anwir, keep an eye on our prisoner in case she gets away."
I turned to see Anwir. He had an ugly black long beard and small beady eyes. He gave me an evil smile, showing his crooked teeth. I couldn't stand his look. I buried my face in my knees, which I hugged tightly.
"Where are you, Aslan, where are you?" I cried.

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