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I woke up gasping for air grabbing ahold what was in front of me which I realized looked like metal.

The box I was closed in moved upwards
very fast making me freak out by the movements and feel sick to my stomach, "HEY!  HEYYYY!!!" I yelled which made my throat burn, as I felt more water coming up in the back of my throat . I coughed it up which caused me to throw it up a bit.

I grimaced at the sight and looked over seeing animals making me back away scared, "why am I afraid of them?". I thought I should be afraid wherever the hell I'm being taken too!

Standing up, only to fall back down as it came to a halt "HELP!" I yelled. "LET ME OUT!" My body was shaking in sweats and jitteriness.... If that's even a word?

I looked down at my wrist which had a symbol on it making me confused. But something came to my mind .  What's my name ?, I randomly thought "I don't have a name? What's my name !!!! ? " I yelled out loud the lights turned red then green and shut off it was now pitched black.

I sat there afraid to move it felt like hours before the box slowly opened revealing light, I covered my face hearing slight bickering above and voices that didn't sound familiar.

"Haha ! We got another greenie!"

"It's - a girl?!" Another shouted.

"We'll need her help in the builders for sure! Right Gally?!", A random boy spoke up. I scoffed and backed up more to the wall when a random boy  jumped down.

"Maybe she's Gallys soulmate ?!"

"She can be my soulmate any day!" I gave a dirty look to the one that said that.

The boy that jumped down stared at me smirking,
"Day one greenie rise and shine!" He picked me up, as I tried fighting him to let me go "calm down calm down!" He ordered struggling to get me to another boy out of the box.

I was handed over to a blonde that seemed to be limping as he tried to catch ahold of me. He for some reason, just seemed really sweet but I needed to get out of here, was all I could think of.

Me with 50 boys was not a good mix ! I don't know what they could do to me!

"Hey it's okay!" He tried calming me down his voice sounded familiar, oddly which made me confused.

I got out of his grip and took off running, "WE GOT A RUNNER!" The boy that mentioned about me being in the builders yelled.

I kept running seeing an opening, I heard some curses from behind and feet as I took a look back seeing them all chasing me making me go faster.

"STOP!" They were all yelling me to stop.

My body kept moving faster almost there at the opening when I was suddenly tackled "get off me!" I shouted the boy tried holding me down. It was a different man this time, he looked Asian and was really strong because, I could not move as he held me down tighter.

"You're fine! Jesus you should be a runner" the boy panted while breathing heavily.

The other boys finally caught up, as I tried to continue to get out from under the Asian boy.

"Hey get off her Minho she will be fine she's surrounded!" The man that jumped in the box earlier reasons with Minho I assumed.

That didn't make me feel safe hearing that at all "Gally that's not how you talk!" The blonde boy that I broke out of grip earlier said.

"Whatever! Just get her up and someone calm her down!" Gally mentions.

The blonde boy helped me up from Minho's grip.

"Hey I'm Newt. You're going to be okay let's go talk." He instructed.

I glanced at him feeling like I could trust him out of anyone here, "How can I trust you though?" I had to be sure.

"I'm not going to hurt you I promise!" He put his hand out for me to shake I think? But, I think more of a promise way.

I shook his hand and we both walked in another direction towards a watchtower I believe it was.

"Hope you're not afraid of heights." He mentions as we went up there he struggled because of his foot it seems. I'll have to ask him what happened.

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