"Good." I mumbled. "Is he on his way?"

"Yes, Luna." He smirked. "Let's move."

The witch was watching us with an amused smirk, and I eyed her sceptically as we passed her. I wasn't a fan of having a witch at my back, but Sebastian put himself between the two of us. It made me feel a little better. The blonde-haired, blue-eyed man was tall.

We barely made it half-way out of the forest before awareness pebbled my skin. I tensed as Asra's furious form hurtled through the trees, barely slowing down before me. My hands reached out instinctively as he pulled me into his embrace in a flurry of colours. A strangled squark escaped me as he crushed me in his bare arms. My towel slipped slightly, and my hair dampened the soft fabric of his silk shirt.

I huffed, pushing out of his grip so I could breathe. "Asra..."

He grumbled, ignoring me as he raised a finger to the witch. "You were told to be at the border in half an hour."

I couldn't see the witch's expression, but by the soft snort of laughter, I could imagine her grin.

"I was just detouring."

"You knew the deal. You were not to walk my lands without an escort." He growled. "Why did you come here? To single out my mate?"

"Asra..." I grumbled, and he slackened his hold.

Slithering my arms through his, I adjusted my towel with an annoyed huff. He was still tense, not letting me leave his side, one hand firmly secured on my waist.

"Your mate's mind was running rampant. It called to me."

I tensed, blinking at the witch. I couldn't decide if she was creepy or evil. Her ability to know who I was and to say so many strange things created an unusual feeling in my gut. She may look innocent and dainty, but I bet she was the devil beneath it all.

Asra was visibly shaking, the bond thrumming with emotions. He was equal parts furious and anxious, and I settled my hand on his chest to comfort him. It was subtle, but it drew his gaze from the witch. My forehead crinkled with a frown, and I gently shook my head. Asra sighed, squeezing my side before meeting the witch's gaze head on.

"This is your first warning." Asra snarled. "You step out of line, and I will be happy to escort you off my land."

The witch raised her hands, dropping her eyes. "Of course, Alpha. No more games."

Asra eyed her further before nodding, pulling me tighter into his grip. Before I could blink, he lifted me and I wrapped around his front like a toddler. I frowned, locking my ankles into his lower back before securing his chin in my hand.

I was sure my towel was fully exposing my ass. I should really bring a robe...

"What are you doing?" I muttered, squeezing his cheeks.

His eyes were dark as he gazed at me. "Nothing."

I nodded, sealing my lips shut when I recognised the agitation in his tone. Settling my head onto his shoulder, I let my breath fan down his neck as he carried me home. I mean, why not? Saved me walking.

Asra didn't waver in his pace once. His tight grip was on my ass the entire way. Not once did he stumble, not once did he pant, and I found myself, yet again, admiring how strong he was. My body warmed with the thought, a soft, happy hum in my chest that told me I was safe.

Breaking the tree-line, I turned my head to glance behind us, all too aware of our extra companion. Sebastian was behind the witch, watching her every move, but she didn't seem to care. She was looking around the pack, her bright eyes flickering in every direction as we approached the pack house. Noticing my gaze, she looked at me and her lips curled into a broad, teasing grin.

I shrivelled back into my mate, taking his fear and anger heavily. He didn't like the witch and especially didn't like how she approached me alone.

Why else would Asra be so against her? He has never acted in such a way with me; grabbing me and carrying me like a parcel or child. I could feel his heart racing!

She must really affect him if he is so against her being here.

I'm just glad he hasn't harmed her yet. I didn't want a witch's dead wrath breathing down my shoulder.

Asra came to a stop at the foyer of the house, the witch hanging in the entryway. She pursed her lips when he turned around and it forced me to face the opposite direction.

"To my office. No messing around." He warned.

The witch's voice was light, the hint of her smile in the tone. "Of course, Alpha. We are here for business, after all, and I must say, I am rather intrigued already."

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