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Author's Note: Before I get into this story I just want to say this story is going to be contain mature content like graphic sex scenes and violence, and obviously depict a very toxic relationship. I would put trigger warnings but Rafe himself is kind of a trigger warning lol.
Just be wary if you're easily triggered by things. Any sections with sexual scenes will be marked with asterisks (***) so sensitive readers can skip.

Old Money

A status reserved for families who have maintained wealth across several generations.
That's us. The infamous Wescott's. We've been a staple in South Carolina for generations. We've also been a part of figure eight for as long as I can remember. Our family has made it a top priority to maintain not only maintain our wealth, but keep it growing with the next generations that follow. I just graduated high school and turned 18, so now all eyes are on me. I'm the only child of my Father Matthew who has made it his life's goal to "prepare" me for my inheritance. To build his wealth he owns a real estate company that sells homes and businesses alll throughout the state, but the primary goal is moving houses in figure eight. That's where the money is after all.

My mother is also wealthy, although nowhere near my father's level. Them being married was more of a formal arrangement than anything.
I doubt they even genuinely have feelings for each other most of the time. Still, she was the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Charleston, and it looked good for both families to have them marry. My dad cheats on her constantly. It's to the point now where he doesn't even hide it, and she's aware of his girlfriends. She doesn't care though, she'll never have to lift a finger a day in her life. It's all about the image here, a perfect family of three. A doting husband and father to the world, and a monster behind closed doors.

Growing up l used to always be a daddy's girl. Who wouldn't be when you could bat your eyelashes and be given everything you've ever wanted? Once I got older I realized that everything comes with a price. See, despite being my father's only child (that we know of), he has made it crystal clear that I will not be getting a penny of my inheritance until I prove that I'm worthy of receiving it. One of those conditions, I have to marry a man that fits my father's standards. You would think this is a good thing, a loving father wanting to make sure his daughter ends up with a good man. It's the opposite actually. He doesn't care who the man is, all that matters is if he has money, and a lot of it. Which is why he was thrilled when I started dating Rafe Cameron.

New Money

A status for people who have accrued their wealth within their lifetime

The Camerons. The only family on this island full of rich people that have given my father a run for his money. Although the Cameron's haven't been wealthy for long, they've caught up to us quickly. Being the two wealthiest families on the island meant that our parents became fast friends, and in turn, so did we. I'm in the middle of both of Ward Cameron's kids. Sarah who is my best friend is 16. Rafe is 19. I grew up with them, and it didn't take long for me to catch feelings for Rafe.


How could I possibly begin to describe Rafe Cameron? One of the most complex people I have ever met. And that complexity lies in the fact that his mood flips faster than most people can keep up with. We've been on and off for a few years now. The problem with Rafe is that in his mind there is no off. I say we're done, and it goes in one ear and out the other. Somehow he convinces me he's going to change and I fall for it every time. What can I say? When he's good to me, he's good to me. He can make me feel like the most beautiful, intelligent, amazing woman in the world when he wants to. When he's bad, it's bad. There's always been something off about Rafe. Everyone knows it, yet no one addresses it. His temper can fly off the handle and sometimes even I can't deal with it.

Most of the issues I've had with Rafe stem from him being controlling. He's a lot like his dad in that aspect. When he thinks something is right, you better too, otherwise he'll flip out. He tends to try to tell me who I can and can't talk to, where I can and can't go, etc. When it doesn't work out well for him, he loses it. Our most recent fight was about me hanging out with the Pogues too much.

The Pogues

The Pogues and I have a complicated relationship to say the least. It all started when I was chosen by one of my teachers to do "charity work" tutoring kids at the public school in the cut. One of those kids was John B. Routledge. He was failing miserably, and I worked with him every week until he got his grades up to pass. Ever since then, I've been helping him out each year of school. Because of that, l've become pretty close with the other Pogues JJ and Pope. Kie I already knew. She used to be super close with Sarah and I when she went to our school, but her and Sarah had a falling out and now they hate each other. It put me in a bad spot because I never had a problem with Kie or Sarah. When I hang with the Pogues, Kie and I are still close, but when I hang with my kook friends, I'm close with them too.

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now