CHP.1 - The Nexus

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Pitch black

My ears won't stop ringing

Make it stop....

Make it stop!

Jerking awake the large man runs a calloused hand through his short hair letting out an agitated groan , forcing his eyes open after what feels like he slept for ages.

That's Because you have

A voice that sounds like booming thunder rings inside of his mind threatening to ignite a terrible headache even worse than the one resulting from the hangover he had after having a few too many glasses of his cousin's experimental moonshine.

As the ringing finally leaves his head both from his dream...? And the voice that seemingly originated from inside his own head he looks around examining where exactly he is , at least he's on a rather large and comfortable bed so that's a start though.

Welcome to your new home Garret , this is the Nexus realm where you have been chosen to reside in and complete your mission from.

The voice from before speaks ounce more , though thankfully at a much lower and reasonable volume. Now hearing the voice ounce more and confirming it does in fact come from within his own mind the young man blinks once , twice then a third time trying to think of a way to rationalize what he's experiencing.

Having failed to come up with a rational explanation he decides the best course of action is to attempt to appease the mysterious least for now so he speaks in his own mind for two reasons ; First being to further confirm his own suspicion of the voices origin , and second out of caution to not alert anyone who may be monitoring him or nearby that he's awake.

' What is this Nexus realm you speak of and if I may ask where am I ? ' he dares not asking any more pressing questions yet until he has a better understanding of the mysterious voice , his motives and what he wants from him. The young man's questions or perhaps even his thought process seems to amuse the entity if the chuckle resembling rumbling thunder on the horizon is anything to go by.

Such a cautious one indeed though that's no surprise considering the condition you were in when I intercepted you or should I say your soul.

This must be some sort of fucked up prank...... though the last thing I remember before waking up here I definitely wasn't in good shape.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm his nerves he once more asks the mysterious but seemingly benevolent voice who if his words are to be believed must be some kind of god  ' You say I'm here for a reason , what is it and why me specifically ? '.

This Nexus point needed a new shepherd , out of the 132 candidates who've recently passed I decided you had what it takes to best lead this Nexus and the dimensions attached to it to keep them not only in order but prosper.

Before Garret can mentally ask another question the voice cuts him off.

While I can indeed hear your thoughts I imagine your vocal cords could use some exercise , especially since I recreated your body so everything is technically new and will need to be re-adjusted even more so if you plan on being active as your previous life. There's no need to worry your the only person here though perhaps in time you'll change that.

Deciding to take the entity at his word of not only being alone but that he is indeed benevolent , at least towards Garret himself and presumably the dimensions connected to the so called Nexus point the blonde man's first spoken words with his new body finally come out. " What should I call my....Benefactor ? I suppose is the right word ".

Once more finding amusement in the new resident of the Nexus point the voice lets out a boisterous laugh that shakes the entire room causing Garret to roll out of his bed landing in a crouched position on his feet , thankfully already clothed in all but shoes.

I've gone by many names but you can refer to me simply as Aleister , You wouldn't be able to say my true name at least not yet and I like to use a Alias similar to my current champion. Especially since you have the potential to be my greatest yet the Nexus gates have been practically sparking with energy since I've brung you here they are excited.

" Nexus....gates ? Portals between the dimensions perhaps " Garret mutters to himself in thought before ounce more addressing the entity - Aleister , having already started to adjust to deities voice coming from within his own mind.  " These gates ,  Assuming their inhabitants are hostile they can't cross through them right ? " Garret questions already missing the lack of his gun or any weapon for that matter.

Already thinking of such a thing huh ? , I knew I made the right choice but do not fret even the higher beings of the dimensions can't see the Nexus gates on their end let alone breach them , Even if you brung one through with you as the caretaker of the Nexus point you invincible while within it.

Now onto other pressing matters before I depart , don't worry you will still be able to get in contact with me I just won't be  ' present ' as I am now. Aleister makes a noise akin to clearing his throat before continuing. Before I leave you to begin your role as the caretaker of the Nexus point I must go over a few ground rules and a few of your duties.

1. Do not under any circumstance inform the inhabitants of the Dimensions your true origin as the Caretaker unless you intend to make them one of your staff here at the Nexus point.

2.Once a month you are to return to the Nexus point to be ' Recharged ' and to maintain the energies of the the Nexus gates.

3.As the Caretaker of the Nexus point it is your duty to help the Dimensions under your protection thrive and prosper by any means necessary.

It's not many but each of them is important and will help you grow and improve to be a fine champion of the Nexus , Now that I've gone over the rules it's time you get your first ' Payment ' of sorts for your role starting with letting you pick the Dimension that will act as your Hub-World of sorts. Think of it as your second home and perhaps as the tutorial for your duties , it's also where you will restart your new life as a young teen in order to properly Attune your body , mind and soul to your role now.....


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