Ox Pox

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'Okay. I'm ready to test the time machine.'

'How are we gonna test it?' Ray asked as i stood next to Schwoz. 'I will take this frisb--' I started but was cutt off by everyone. 'This. flying. disc.'

'Jesse will throw it five seconds into the future.' Schwoz flipped some switches as i nodded. 'Here we go.' I stood ready to throw the flying disc.





As i threw it in, it then came back out. Hitting Charlotte in the forehead. 'Ah!' She shrieked, falling to the floor. 'Yeah!' Schwoz cheered as i helped Charlotte up.

'YEs! The time machine works.' Henry cheered as he highfived my dad. I hit him on the arm. 'I'm okay. If anyone besides Jesse cares.' Charlotte glared at everyone.

'Just tell me where to send Ray.'

'Well. It says here "In the year 1709, the greatest number of wild chica-willows lived in the northern region of Alaska. Now known as Prudhoe Bay.'

'Alright, Schwoz. Send me to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska 1709.'

'Aye aye!'

'You should put a coat on, Dad. Alaska's a cold on.' I looked at him as he smirked. 'I won't need a coat. I'm just gonna pop to the past. Grab a chica-willow. And Schwoz is gonna pull me right back here.'

'Now. To Alaska!' My dad rushed over and jumped through the not open portal.

'I think the portal needs to be on.' Henry said as i giggled. 'You are so silly.' I laughed as the portal got activated. 

'And now. To alaska! The year 1709!' He ran over and jumped in.


'Get in the sack. That's a good bird! Here we go, got him!' My dad's voice played through the small speaker.

'Yeah!' I looked at Henry and hugged him. 

'Bring me back to the present.' Ray said as Schwoz changed the location. Activating the portal. Smiling thinking my dad's gonna come back easy.

'I-i'm..O-Oh..kay..' An en elderly man who looked like my father came through the portal.

'W-Where..where am i?' The Elderly Ray asked as i looked at him in confusion. 'Schwoz! That's not Ray.'

'I am too!'

 'I think that's Ray. But from the future..' Schwoz explained as Elderly Ray looked over at Henry and me. 'Henry! Angel! You're little kids again!' He walked over to us and cupped my face. 

'Your kids look just the same as their parents when they were young.' Elderly Ray smiled down at me and Henry. I looked over at Henry with a blush.

I'm having kids? Wow.

'President Charlotte. You look just like you used too!' He sighed, looking at her. 'Schwoz! You're a man again.' He looked over at Schwoz with a laugh. 

'Guys? Guys! I'm ready to come homeee. Its really cold in Alaska and i don't have a coat!' This Ray from now spoke out from the little speaker. 

'What kind of an idiot goes to Alaska without a coat.' Elderly Ray laughed. 'Uh, you?' Henry replied as i blinked. 'Oh my god!' Elderly Ray froze and yelled out.

'What's wrong?'

'Where'd my toilet paper go?' He asked looking around the floor, i looked at Henry and shook my head. 'Why you guys staring at me. Am i drooling?'

Jesse Manchester (Captain Man's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now