Chapter V: "I protect everyone"

Start from the beginning

"I know; I've seen her cry over them time and time again. Of course, she would tell you that they don't bother her and that she learned how to live with them. But I think you know how it really is."

"Yeah, so why do you let her do that? How is she the only one? Are you telling me that in this whole Force there is no one else capable of fighting demons? What about you, then? Aren't you much stronger than Al?"

"I am stronger; you got that much right. But my power isn't suited for urban combat. You've seen a fraction of it in the forest. Using that in town would result in too many unnecessary casualties. Let alone using anything stronger."

"I still don't understand why she? Can't you summon some stronger angels or something like that? I'm sure that any of them would be better than a nineteen-year-old girl."

"We've tried this many times. They always said that they were busy or simply didn't even respond. And even then, there is the matter of their strength."

"Bunch of bastards; don't they care about their own?"

"They don't treat Alice as their own."


"Due to her being half or even less of one, they barely anyone acknowledges her as one. The same goes for succubi and incubi, doesn't it?"

"Never have I thought that this would be the problem we would be sharing. But even then, demons try to take care of succubi like me. And you are taking care of Alice. You surely must know anyone who would come to her aid."

"Sadly no. They all think that if Alice wants to be considered one, then she has to prove herself. They did the same with her mother."

"Why the fuck are they fine with sending a little girl to her death? Aren't angels supposed to protect people?" Lilim lost her temper for a while, smashing her hands against the table as she stood up. Though quickly calming down, she sat down, trying to avoid the hurt look in the blonde angel's eyes. Succubus spoke in a much more hushed voice than before. "Sorry for yelling. It's just that, in my eyes, it isn't fair to Alice. I mean, you saw what state she was in. I can't even imagine how she would react if something worse happened."

"That's what terrifies me the most. Should a demon beyond her league appear, I don't think Alice would be able to handle it physically, let alone mentally, if it destroyed Znena. I'm worried that she would do something to herself. As for the angels, truth be told, it isn't an angel's job to protect. Our task is to kill demons. That's how it always was. Of course, Alice doesn't need to know about that."

"I hate this. I hate the fact that she has to risk her life, that everyone relies on her too much, and that with just one bad day she might never come back. She shouldn't live like that; no one should."

"I know. I also hate this. Trust me, I too want to take her out of this as quickly as I can. In fact, I've made a deal with Ezekiel. Once we get rid of Tetra, Alice won't have to fight anymore."

"So that's why you agreed to take me in."

"Believe it or not, that was actually Ezekiel's idea. Like I said, no one wants to see Alice hurt. But no matter how many times we tell her to stop, she simply won't listen. Saying that she has to. That her mother would want her to follow her steps. Though I know that Anastasia would oppose said idea the most, I wish she would just tell me that she has enough, that she doesn't want to get hurt anymore, and that she just wants to live a normal life." Lilim went silent, trying to understand the angel's reasoning. Of course, no one wanted to see the ginger-haired ball of cheerfulness get herself hurt. It was stupid of her to think her guardian would be fine with that. That she wouldn't be doing anything and would just be watching as Alice wears herself down. Beatrice cared for the half-angel even more than she did. But she couldn't help it after seeing Alice constantly wake up with a scream. And neither could Beatrice.

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