Chapter IV: Rainy mood for a rainy day

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Black clouds started to form over Znena, threatening it with heavy rain. The first droplets started to fall, their coldness hitting a black and white demon lying in a pool of its own blood. The beast was breathing heavily, gasping for air with all of its might. It didn't even have enough energy to move and get shelter from the rain. The people that came for it made the grave mistake of not checking if he was dead, though he was close to being so. It had failed them all, that much it knew. It could barely keep its eyes open as the demon heard the sound of hooves approaching. A silver knight on an equally silver horse, who almost seemed to be his bottom as the beast couldn't see the rider's legs, stopped before the black and white demon.

"Tell me, good friend, do you wish to live further?" The beast could only grunt for an answer. Of course it wanted to, but why should he care?

"Very well then; pledge loyalty to me, and I'll give you everything you desire. So what is it that you want?"

"...kill...them...kill them...all"

"A flame of wrath still burns within you. Good. You will make a fine soldier."The silver knight raised his hand. A silver crest showcasing two crossed spears with a sword right in the middle of them appeared before him: "I, Berith, the grand duke of Hell, by all of the power that was given to me, declare you worthy of becoming one with my legion. Take the seal and wear it with pride. Serve me with your life and hereby swear loyalty to me, as I am the one who has given you new life."

"I swear." The silver seal appeared on the white and black demon's body, shining brightly before vanishing.

"Now go, kill those who wronged you, and return to me." By saying that the silver knight vanished as mysteriously as he first appeared.

The black clouds have long overtaken the sky over Znena. What was supposed to be just a heavy rain has turned into a downpour, slightly flooding the streets. Barely anyone was brave enough to get outside. Only one woman was running through the flooded streets, caring only to run away from the beast that had chosen her as its target. As she was about to turn right and escape into the tight alleyway right in between two buildings, she felt the beast tackle her. She fell into the puddle, ripples distorting the reflection of the lizard-like beast.

"No! Stay away! Go!" She screamed while kicking the beast in the mouth in the hopes of fending it away. The demon caught her leg between its sharp teeth, and the woman now screamed in pain, her blood mixing in with the rain.

"All guilty." The beast breathed out before devouring the woman, leaving only a puddle of blood.

Lilim couldn't sleep well tonight. The rain that was constantly hitting the window was slowly driving her insane. Who would have thought that being a light sleeper wouldn't be so good? She looked at the clock. 4 a.m. There was no reason to go to sleep anyway. Even if she and Alice had a momentary break. As it turned out, the demon that attacked her three days ago did quite a number on the half-angel. Even with her armor, his sword left her rather bruised, especially her back. So now they stayed home until she healed up. That was her 'punishment', as Ezekiel called it. Thankfully, she managed to defend herself and not get thrown out immediately, though that was the first and last time the bishop would let it slip by.

Beatrice wasn't home; she was pulling another all-night shift in the Extermination Force. Lilim wondered if she had ever been home for more than an hour. Passing by Alice's doors, she heard something. Stopping right next to the doors, she put her ear right to them. Crying? It was muffled, but it was definitely there. There was no way that she was hearing things and wanting to make sure that she knocked on her door.

"Everything's fine there?" No response. Perhaps she was only imagining things. The sound of crying has also stopped, if it ever was there. Stepping away from the doors, she heard rustling inside, and soon enough, the doorknob moved and the doors opened, revealing a still-sleepy half-angel.

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